Pentagon chief says no ‘hasty’ withdrawal from Afghanistan

United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin on Thursday after the second and final day of NATO Defense Ministerial in a released statement by the Pentagon thanked allies for their continued commitment to the Resolute Support Mission and reiterated that the US remains committed to a diplomatic effort to end the war.
Austin told the allies that the US is conducting a thorough review of the conditions of the US -Taliban Agreement to determine whether all parties have adhered to those conditions.
In an agreement reached last year in February, Trump, who had long promised to end America’s longest war, signed the United States up to a full withdrawal in coming months.
Austin has made it clear that he is committed to consulting with allies and partners throughout this process.
“The US would not undertake a hasty or disorderly withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Austin reassured allies.
US new administration has been reviewing foreign policy moves made under Donald Trump, including the peace agreement reached with the Taliban.
Secretary Austin also welcomed the expanded role for NATO Mission Iraq and expressed confidence that all of the work done to date with the Iraqi government and security forces will lead to a self-sustainable mission.
The Taliban on Tuesday urged the US to honor a landmark withdrawal deal under which all foreign troops would exit Afghanistan in the coming months, even as violence continues to rage in the war-ravaged nation.