Ghani says recent wave of violence is a systematic onslaught against Afghans

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said Monday that the recent wave of violence against our people is an indication of a systematic onslaught against Afghan society.
Addressing the 46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, President Ghani said that targeted killings are the sharp edge directed against men and women representing the profound transformation of Afghan society during the last 20 years.
“The recent wave of violence against our people, civil and civic institutions, from human rights and civil society organizations to the media, judicial, civil service and security organizations to farmers and traders are indications of a systematic onslaught against our society,” Ghani said.
“The world bank estimated the material loss between 1978 and 2001 it 240 billion dollars, the human loss is commonly estimated at 1.5 million killed, 2 million internally displaced and 9 million forced to become refugees, the skill and scope our of suffering continues,” Ghani said.
Ghani also said that the Afghan people and the government have the commitment, conviction, and courage to demonstrate the sense of urgency required in such open moments.
“We are in a historically rare moment when a just and lasting peace can be achieved through a political settlement. The Afghan people and the government have the “commitment, conviction, and courage to demonstrate the sense of urgency required in such an open moment. Difficult choices will have to be made to move from being a battlefield of unrestricted warfare to a platform of an Asian roundabout and international cooperation,” Ghani said.
“Human rights, in general, and rights of citizens, women, girls, youth and social categories, in particular, are going to figure prominently in the peace negotiations,” Ghani said.
“Difficult choices will have to be made to move from being a battlefield of unrestricted warfare to a platform of an Asian roundabout and an international cooperation,” Ghani added.
According to President Ghani, the Afghan people and government are placing peace-making efforts within a framework of international and regional partnership around the aligned processes of peace-building, market-building, and state-building to reinforce our shared destiny as a unified nation.