Archive for September, 2021

Abbas, Indian envoy discuss stranded Indians issue

Indian Ambassador to Qatar Deepak Mittal has met Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, the Head of Taliban’s Political Office in Doha and discussed security situation and early return of Indian nationals stranded in Afghanistan, according to a statement on Tuesday. The meeting took place at the Embassy of India, Doha, on the request of the Taliban side. Discussions focused on safety, […]

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Taliban call on foreign countries to open embassies in Kabul

The Taliban on Tuesday called on foreign countries to reopen their embassies in Afghanistan, saying the war-torn nation now needed economic independence. After the September 9, 2001 attacks, the United States invaded Afghanistan on October 7 of that year and the Taliban regime was toppled. Then an interim government was set up under the leadership of Hamid Karzai who was […]

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Member Of Qatar-Supported International Union Of Muslims Scholars: The Taliban Are Paragons Of Steadfast Jihad; We Do Not Fear Them But Fear For Them

Following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban’s rise to power there, religious scholar Dr. Attia ‘Adlan, a former Egyptian MP and current member of the International Union Of Muslims Scholars (IUMS), which is supported by Qatar and Turkey, published an article on the IUMS website in which he defended the Taliban against its detractors. Forcefully rejecting the fears […]

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Taliban pledge to work with international community

Marking the final withdrawal of all foreign forces, the Taliban on Tuesday pledged to work with foreign countries to ensure good relations. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said they want to have a relationship, based on international law and mutual respect, with the rest of the world, especially the United States. “The Islamic Emirate wants to have a diplomatic relation with […]

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India announces first formal meeting with Taliban

India’s ambassador to Qatar held talks with a top Taliban leader on Tuesday, the Indian foreign ministry said, the first formal diplomatic engagement since the Taliban took over Afghanistan. The envoy, Deepak Mittal, met Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai, the head of the Taliban’s Political Office in Doha, at the request of the Taliban, the foreign ministry said.The foreign ministry said […]

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Qatar warns isolating Taliban could further destabilize Afghanistan

Qatar’s foreign minister on Tuesday warned that isolating the Taliban could lead to further instability and urged countries to engage with them to address security and socioeconomic concerns in Afghanistan. The U.S.-allied Gulf Arab state has emerged as a key interlocutor to the Taliban, having hosted the group’s political office since 2013. “If we are starting to put conditions and […]

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Britain must give Afghan refugees the chance to thrive

An imaginative programme of integration is needed, involving above all lessons in English and job opportunities Nato’s 20-year involvement in Afghanistan has come to an ignominious end with thousands of people who worked with Western forces and other organisations still trapped in the country. Questions will be asked for some time as to why preparations for their evacuation were not […]

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Mindenki tudta, hogy csúnya lesz

Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok nem adta fel a világrend meghatározására való erős törekvését. A hegemón hatalom szerepét gyakran félreértik és redukálják egyfajta világcsendőri szerepre. Fontos a beavatkozási képesség – az erőprojekció –, de ennek számos módja van azon túl, hogy valahova bevonul a hadsereg. Már a 20. században nagy lépéseket tettek abba az irányba, hogy fejlesszék a nem katonai befolyásszerzés […]

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Американцы на прощание убили кого могли

Американцы полностью ушли из Афганистана — их последний оплот, кабульский аэропорт, переходит под контроль “Талибана”*, новой власти страны. Казалось бы, после двадцати лет оккупации все должны быть довольны — афганцы тем, что избавились от оккупантов, а американцы тем, что наконец-то закончили совершенно ненужную им войну. Но Штаты даже уйти не смогли по-человечески: последние дни ознаменовались новыми жертвами среди многострадального афганского […]

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The breathtaking lack of official accountability in Afghanistan

Billions of dollars of US materiel is now in the Taliban’s hands; but which leader will be taken to task for it, or for anything? “This is effing ridiculous,” we grumbled to each other as we eased our sedan onto the Autobahn. I was a newly minted 2nd lieutenant, accompanied by an enlisted squad leader, team leader, and rifleman from […]

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