Pakistan and the dream of the previous decades about Afghanistan; From raising Daesh to inviting failed leaders

Pakistan has been following a very dangerous project to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan and the region, which is the project of raising ISIS. But besides this project, the Pakistanis have also undertaken another apparently dangerous plan; According to some unofficial news, this project consists of; Attempting to invite the leadership contenders of the failed and collapsed parties and currents of the American republic era to organize, support and equip them to confront the Islamic Emirate, but this operation seems to have already failed for several reasons.

Pakistan has been following a very dangerous project for a long time, with more cooperation and alignment with the United States, to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan and the region, which is the ISIS breeding project, and there are some significant reports and signs in this regard that the senior officials of the Islamic Emirate.

After the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan and the complete withdrawal of the United States and NATO from the country, this country has practically given its land and sky to the United States for surveillance and intrigue in Afghanistan and the region, which has also received explicit criticism in this regard. It has existed inside Pakistan and also among the senior officials of the Islamic Emirate.

But besides this project, the Pakistanis have also undertaken another apparently dangerous plan;
According to some unofficial news, this project consists of; Attempting to invite the leadership contenders of the failed and collapsed parties and currents of the American republic era to organize, support and equip them to confront the Islamic Emirate, but this operation seems to have already failed due to the following reasons:

1- Under no circumstances will the people of Afghanistan accept those who have played with their destiny for the past 45 years and have seen nothing but betrayal from them, and 20 years of republican rule proves that their executive process is at least inefficient, so they will not only not be willing to accompany them. as soldiers or the forces under their command to organize against the current government in the form of military organizations, but they will confront them and any other conspirators using any legitimate platform and means.

2- After 20 years of Jihad and Mujahidah of the Mujahideen and the bloodshed of thousands of them and as a result of the establishment of the structure of Islamic governance, the totality of Muslim fighters will defend and protect the territorial integrity and Islamic and national interests until the end, more coherently and more wisely than ever.

3- America and some of its international and regional allies, who are the main supporters of this conspiratorial country, first of all, the lesson they learned from Afghanistan and pulled themselves out of this arrogant quagmire with difficulty, will no longer dream of occupation or direct intervention, and also Zubon is more than ever involved in its internal problems, and secondly, the crisis in Ukraine and then Taiwan is a choke point for America, and thirdly, the presence in the Gaza war and the Red Sea has made Washington’s power extremely weak and vulnerable, and fourthly, most of the neighboring countries and the region are under no circumstances.

After all, this country itself does not have the internal strength and regional and global credibility, and it is facing very subversive challenges in the national and international arena, and fumbling in the field of Afghanistan’s issues before it is indicative of sustainable political and military operations, actions It will be psychological to scare the people involved and the leadership and the main managers of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Although there is no doubt that the Islamic Emirate’s choice of an honorable Islamic policy in the domestic and foreign arenas will impose the costs of foreign confrontation on the whole of Afghanistan, the fighting and God-loving people and the fledgling government emerging from its heart, but on the one hand, these conspiracies with the implementation the country of Pakistan and the support of the global arrogance at the head of the United States is another proof that the Taliban is not dependent on the powers of the region and the world, and on the other hand, according to the points listed above, the conspiratorial actions of this neighboring country; Whether it is inviting failed fugitive leaders or raising Daesh and sending it inside Afghanistan and then trying to sabotage it, even with the support of the entire West and its regional allies, it is hitting water in the mortar and it cannot do so much damage to the growing process of Afghanistan and its people.

But this undeniable fact, that is, the confrontation of the people and the government of Afghanistan with any interference and inability of the enemy to strike against the religious, national and territorial interests of the country, will become more real when the people and the government of the country are more alert than ever, in line with to deal with any small and big conspiracy, they should take more preparation in order not to be surprised in the field of confrontation.