Archive for May, 2024

Azerbaijan And Bulgaria To Enhance Strategic Partnership – Analysis

Azerbaijan received two major leaders from the Eastern European country in succession during the first week of May. Following the Prime Minister of Slovakia on May 7, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev visited Azerbaijan on May 8. Furthermore, the agendas of both presidents were energy-related, and both leaders returned satisfied with Azerbaijan in this regard. However, Azerbaijan-Bulgarian relations cover many areas […]

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The ‘Inside Track’ Of Putin-Xi Jinping Talks – OpEd

In international diplomacy, summit meetings stand apart from regular high-level meetings when they are held at key moments or important junctures to reinforce partnerships and/or launch major initiatives. The summit meeting at Beijing last Thursday between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin last falls into such a category, taking place at a momentous juncture when a great […]

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Pakistan and the dream of the previous decades about Afghanistan; From raising Daesh to inviting failed leaders

Pakistan has been following a very dangerous project to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate, Afghanistan and the region, which is the project of raising ISIS. But besides this project, the Pakistanis have also undertaken another apparently dangerous plan; According to some unofficial news, this project consists of; Attempting to invite the leadership contenders of the failed and collapsed parties […]

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Durand Line: Bone of contention On May 14, 2024, at least 12 terrorists and one Army soldier were killed while five other Security Forces (SF) personnel sustained injuries when terrorists from Afghanistan in their attempt to infiltrate inside Pakistan attacked Pakistani checkpoints in the Teri Mangal area, along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, in the Kurram District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The […]

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Islamabad wants Beijing to talk to Kabul about terrorism, Pakistani minister says

Islamabad would like Beijing to speak to Kabul about the issue of terrorism, Pakistan’s Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said. Speaking in an interview with VOA released on Sunday, Iqbal said that Pakistan has concerns on certain groups that are operating out of Afghanistan and carrying out terrorism actions. “The terrorists who committed the recent incident against Chinese […]

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Article In Issue 35 Of ISKP Magazine ‘Voice Of Khurasan’ Urges Mujahideen To Follow Prophetic Measures To Avoid Security Traps: ‘Before You Set Off For A Jihadi Task, Try To Fill Your Phone With Junk Files So That It Will Not Draw Any Attention’

An article in the latest issue of “Voice of Khurasan,” an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), advises the mujahideen to take precautions, following the example of Muhammad during his journey from Mecca to Medina, […]

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Hizbut Tahrir Organizes Protests In Dhaka, Accuses Bangladeshi Government Of Seeking To Normalize Relations With Israel: ‘Hasina Government Set A Milestone For Normalizing Relations With The Illegal Jewish State By Secretly Landing The U.S.-Based Israeli Aircraft On The Country’s Soil’

On April 19, 2024, Hizb-ut-Tahrir Bangladesh organized protests and events in mosques in the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong, where its speakers accused the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of trying to normalize relations with Israel. Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a global Islamist organization known for seeking to cause rebellion among the armed forces of Islamic countries to overthrow governments and […]

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Analyzing The Strategic Importance Of Russia’s Reportedly Planned Afghan Oil Hub

Continued maritime exports to the Indian Ocean Region across the Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean Seas might be deemed strategically undependable due to tensions with the West, hence the need to pioneer a more reliable alternative. Afghanistan’s acting Industry and Trade Minister Nooruddin Azizi told Reuters earlier this month that his country agreed with Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to build a logistics […]

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Insurrection In The ‘Other’ Kashmir – Analysis

The violent uprising in Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), euphemistically called “Azad Jammu and Kashmir” by Pakistanis, has left Pakistan in shock and awe. The scale, spread, and ferocity of the insurrection took the Pakistani authorities by complete surprise. Efforts were made by Islamabad to impose an information blackout on PoJK—the internet was suspended, mainstream electronic mediacovered the widespread […]

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Balochistan’s Education Emergency: More Talk, Less Action? – OpEd

An “education emergency” is a term used to describe a scenario when a government acknowledges a state of urgency in order to address serious weaknesses within the education system. It is an acknowledgement of the urgent and extensive actions required to improve the availability of high-quality education for every individual in society. Education emergencies often include a variety of actions, […]

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