Hizb-ut-Tahrir Statement On UK And U.S. Elections: ‘The Belief That Electing A Handful Of Pro-Palestinian MPs, Or Registering A Muslim Anti-Zionist Protest Vote, Can Influence Anything In Gaza Is A Fantasy’

On July 13, 2024, Hizb-ut-Tahrir – the global Islamist organization that seeks to foment rebellion in the armed forces of Islamic nations in order to establish a Caliphate – published a statement, titled “The Liberation of Palestine Can Never Be Achieved by Playing the Democratic Game,” and written by Asma Siddiq, a member of the Central Media Office of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, on elections in America and the UK, arguing that Palestine cannot become an independent state through democratic processes.

“The British parliamentary elections took place on the July 4, 2024, resulting in a landslide victory for the Labour Party. Five pro-Palestine independent MPs were elected out of 650 seats. Many Muslims in the UK engaged in the democratic process, the author wrote, arguing that the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate alone can lead to resolving issues faced by Muslims.

Following are excerpts from the statement:

“A Vote In These Democratic Elections In Britain, America, And Other States Is A Vote That Gives Legitimacy To Systems That Have Either Been Pivotal In The Establishment, Preservation And Strengthening Of The Brutal Zionist Entity, Or Have Stood Idle Allowing This Genocide To Unfold”

“As Muslims, the aim of ending this genocide and liberating Palestine from this murderous occupation is not simply a humanitarian goal but one that is driven by our iman [faith], the belief, that these are our Muslim brothers and sisters who are being slaughtered, and that we have an Islamic obligation to work to remove their oppression, for Allah says… : ‘And if they seek help of you for the religion, then you must help’ – (Al-Anfal:72) and the Prophet said…, ‘A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor.’

“If this is so, then surely the solution that we seek for the Gaza genocide and the occupation of Palestine should also stem from our Deen [religion]. Furthermore, Allah says… : ‘The only statement of the (true) believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger [Muhammad] to judge between them is that they say, We hear and we obey. And those are the successful’ – (An-Nur: 51), emphasizing the point that success for us as Muslims – in this life or the next – can only be achieved by obedience to the commands and the laws and limits of our Rabb [Lord].

“What needs to be understood is that a vote in these democratic elections [in the UK] is not simply a vote for a political representative, but rather a vote that accepts the validity of the democratic system itself as a political model to govern a people.

“It is therefore a vote that accepts the right for human beings to legislate laws for others to live by, while in Islam it is clear that Allah alone is sovereign and has the right to dictate the laws and limits for humanity, for he says… : ‘The rule belongs to none but Allah’ – (Yusuf: 40), underscoring that all authority to govern rests only with Allah. He also says… : ‘We have established for you a shari’a. So, follow it and do not follow the desires of those who do not know’ – (Al-Jathiya: 18).

“Furthermore, a vote in these democratic elections in Britain, America, and other states is a vote that gives legitimacy to systems that have either been pivotal in the establishment, preservation and strengthening of the brutal Zionist entity, or have stood idle allowing this genocide to unfold. Therefore, how can engagement in the democratic electoral system ever bring success for the Muslims in liberating Palestine, or success in any other matter in this life or the next?”

“In 2003, The Largest Demonstration In British History Took Place In London To Protest The British Government’s Decision To Go To War In Iraq… The March And The Wider Anti-War Movement Did Not Stop The War”

“The Prophet [Muhammad] was offered the chance to become a leader within the Meccan non-Islamic political system by the Quraysh, but he refused it. When he was seeking the Nussrah (material support) from the Arab tribes in order to establish a state based upon Islam, Banu Aamer bin Sa’sa’ah asked if they could have the command (rule) after him if they gave him the support he desired.

“He refused this, replying: … ‘The command belongs to Allah, who places it where he wills.’ All this demonstrates Islam’s rejection of participating in, being a representative of, or sharing political power in any non-Islamic system. Therefore, what good can ever come from engaging in that which is haram [forbidden]?

“Alongside all this, the belief that engaging in a colonial system to stop support for colonial projects such as the continuing existence of the Zionist entity is utterly irrational. How can we expect solutions from systems that created the problem in the first place? Capitalist systems in the West and elsewhere do not shape foreign policy on ethics – or even on the public opinion of their people. Rather it is driven primarily by profit and economic interests and the drive to maintain hegemony and influence over the nations of the world.

“Therefore, the belief that electing a handful of pro-Palestinian MPs, or registering a Muslim anti-Zionist protest vote, can influence anything in Gaza is a fantasy. In 2003, the largest demonstration in British history took place in London to protest against the British government’s decision to go to war in Iraq. It was attended by around 1.5-2 million people, but they were ignored by the Labour government of the time. The march and the wider anti-war movement did not stop the war.”

“As Muslims, We Should Realize That The Liberation Of Palestine As With Success In Any Matter Can Only Be Achieved If We Look For Solutions Within Our Deen [Religion]; And That Solution Is The Establishment Of The System Of Allah, The Khilafah (Caliphate)”

“This is because the democratic system is a rigged system that is always stacked in favor of those who wield political power and economic wealth. Therefore, trying to play this rigged democratic game in order to influence world events toward that which is ethical and just will always lead to failure.

“Real change is not effected by working within corrupt systems but by looking for solutions outside of them. As Muslims, we should realize that the liberation of Palestine as with success in any matter can only be achieved if we look for solutions within our Deen [religion]. And that solution is the establishment of the system of Allah, the Khilafah (Caliphate) based upon the method of the Prophethood, in the Muslim lands, which is the only system and state that genuinely stands for the interests of Islam and the Muslims.

“It is this state alone that will mobilize its army to defend the Muslims no matter where they live and liberate all occupied Muslim lands. For those who say that this is an impractical or even impossible goal, I would ask: how can anything that Allah commands be seen as impractical? And furthermore, how practical is it to believe that change can be achieved through the ballot box of the colonialists and their corrupt systems?”

Source: Hizb-ut-Tahrir.info, July 13, 2024. The original English of the statement has been lightly edited for clarity and standardization.