Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa And The Shadow Of TTP – OpEd

Terrorism in Pakistan and particularly in KP has become active again after the Taliban captured the power in Afghanistan. Taliban mostly through Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which is regarded as responsible for instigating this violence more often. This has not gone well with the Afghan Taliban’s main patron, the Pakistani government, who has put a lot of pressure on the Afghan Taliban to contain TTP.

The dynamics of this situation are made worse by earlier events such as the Chinese engineer in Dasu Dam that even though was not claimed by any militant group, was later discovered to be linked to TTP. The banned TTP chief, Noor Wali Mehsud, in leaked call gave instructions to worsen the law-and-order situation in Pakistan, pointing toward the group’s role in escalating the situation in KP.

Several intercepted calls show Mehsud urging subordinate to attack those who have demolished their homes by security forces, by bombing schools, hospitals and government buildings. His decision to annihilate the homes of police and soldiers, while making sure that local people never say his name in order not to provoke the resentment of the local populace towards TTP, shows that Ghani intentionally tries to keep the region unsafe while appearing to have the local population on his side. This development has made the security dynamics in KP a bit clearer especially with increased realization of TTP activities and capabilities within the region.

Indeed, in Bannu the influence of TTP cannot be overlooked. Understanding that intimidating local people into avoiding contact with security forces is a useful tactic is, again, evidence of the group’s pragmatism. The last TTP’s leader is Noor Wali Mehsud who is tactical thinker and has a very modest behaviour through which he has been able to ascend to power and strengthen his position. Stories of TTP men infiltrating and becoming part of groups of peace demonstrators and then, opening fire on the soldiers before melting into the crowd presents them as resourceful tacticians who know how to harness people’s movements and avoid arrest and capture, a phenomenon that creates more problems the Pakistani authorities.

Afghan Taliban relations are substantial with Noor Wali Mehsud. He is a key figure in the present Afghan regime as he used to work for the Afghan Taliban’s Majlis Shura. His designation by the Afghan Taliban as TTP Chief means that they are still in support of each other adding on his strengths. Mehsud was educated in several major religious institutions in Pakistan, and he has taught in South Waziristan – these experiences armed him with knowledge of Pakistani society, especially the KPs’ mentality. His work “Inqlab-e-Mahsud, from Ferangi Raj to American Imperialism,” shows not only historical grievances but also advertisements of being involved in high profile assassinations including Benazir Bhutto and various criminal activities for financing the movement.

Despite these admissions, Pakistan has not acted against Mehsud, mainly because he is supported by the Afghan Taliban. This hesitancy has enabled him to act with relatively immunity/holiness. Mehsud was declared global terrorist by the U.S about five years ago at which proves that this person is dangerous to the world. Ghani’s rise from a special commander working under Baitullah Mehsud to the Ameer of the TTP after the killing of Mullah Fazlullah in 2018 shows the group’s reliance on him. The writings stressed a ‘real Jihad’ against the American troops in Afghanistan with the Pakistan tribal territory as launching pads, but it is very much evident that his current guidelines are aimed at the Pakistan interests.

According to the leaked phone talk, TTP appears to be the mastermind of the current wave of terrorism in Pakistan with a view to cause mayhem in areas such as Bannu. The insistence of the speaker to request forensic investigation into the telephone conversation and making those involved accountable reflects the need to counter the TTP’s actions. In this regard, an independent probe into these events can help to counter the scenarios created to set the Pakistani people against their own protectors. To this end, it important to promote accountability and transparency of actors engaged in the efforts to foster stability target regions to increase confidence of people in those areas.

As it has been stipulated that Afghan Taliban actively support TTP, the geopolitical aspect poses a challenge to Pakistan’s counter-terrorism. The Afghan Taliban’s unwillingness to cut organizational ties with the TTP is more of a regional power struggle scenario and historical association. These dynamics must be managed in Pakistan’s strategy since development of the former entail’s provisions adhering both to diplomatic requirements and sound security practices. Changing the local governance structures, improving intelligence operations, and supporting communities in combating extreme ideologies are critical components of TTP’s neutralization.

In sum, one may state that the problem of terrorism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has grown significantly at the present stage due to TTP’s activation. The relations between TTP and Afghan Taliban, Noor Wali Mehsud tactics, and the situation in KP require the comprehensive response. IS now an active member of TTP, which is fighting against Pakistani forces; Pakistan has to increase efforts against TTP; there exists discontent over the grievances of locals supporting militants; regional security has to be maintained using security forces, diplomacy, and engagement with the community. Thus, only if the efforts continued actively and, in all spheres, it is possible to stop the circle of violence and achieve a stable and long term result in the area.