Archive for August 4th, 2024

Analyzing The Newly Leaked Pakistani Cable From March 2022 Regarding US Pressure Over Russia

The nearly quarter billion people who live in Pakistan are suffering due to a handful of corrupt military and political figures dutifully complying with the dog whistle blown by a leading US diplomat ordering them to depose their patriotic multipolar premier or risk losing perks from the West. None of this would have happened had former Chief Of Army Staff […]

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The TTP’s Terrorist Threat To Pakistan Is Metastasizing

The challenge ahead is a formidable one that will require the military-intelligence services to fully focus on this newly metastasized terrorist threat in order to emerge victorious, which in turn necessitates their top brass giving them the order to abandon the all-out nationwide crackdown against the opposition. Pakistan’s prior large-scale anti-terrorist operations succeeded precisely because those carrying them out weren’t […]

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Does China Prefer Harris or Trump?

Why Chinese Strategists See Little Difference Between the Two Over the past few weeks, the upheavals in the U.S. presidential election season have drawn enormous global attention. Even before the summer began, countries were weighing the implications of former President Donald Trump’s return to the White House and, conversely, what a second term for U.S. President Joe Biden might bring. […]

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China Escalates Its Political Party Training in Africa

China promotes its dominant party model in Africa through a suite of training programs for party and government officials even though this model is antithetical to Africans’ preference for multiparty democracy. A ubiquitous Chinese government talking point is the principle of non-interference in other countries. This includes issues of governance where China has long claimed that it does not export […]

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Le contrôle de l’Eurasie par le sud

Si l’on combine la géographie politique et la géopolitique, il est facile de constater que le groupe de pays situés au nord de la mer d’Arabie présente un certain nombre de caractéristiques communes. Certaines parties de l’Iran moderne et de l’Afghanistan représentent le Khorasan historique, et la ceinture pachtoune s’étend de l’Afghanistan au Pakistan. Le Pakistan et l’Iran sont unis […]

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