Archive for August 13th, 2024

India Walks On Thin Ice In Bangladesh – Analysis

The need is for measured steps to rescue Indo-Bangla relations from the nadir it has touched, not once but twice in the last 49 years. India’s relationship with Bangladesh touched the nadir this month when its trusted friend in Dhaka, Sheikh Hasina, quit the Prime Ministership and fled to India unable to face the wrath of her people who were […]

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Will Bangladesh Go In Iranian Way? – OpEd

The successful 1979 Iranian working-class struggle against the monarchical dictatorship was eventually snatched away from people and hijacked by reactionary religious forces, with the covert support of imperialist and colonial powers led by the CIA. The progressive character of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and justice gradually faded, giving way to the rise of reactionary ruling elites who concealed […]

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The Assassination Of Nawab Akbar Bugti – The Province Of Baluchistan Besieged By The Pakistani Army

August 26 of this year marks the 18th anniversary of Pakistan’s assassination of Nawab Akbar Bugti – who was neither a terrorist, nor a jihadi commander, nor a secessionist rebel, but a former defense minister of Pakistan, a former chief minister of the country’s largest province of Baluchistan elected by its people, a former governor of the province who stood […]

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