Archive for August 28th, 2024

Myanmar’s Three-Year-Long Conflict Isn’t As Simple As It Seems At First Glance

The best-case scenario is that Russian aid helps the Tatmadaw win enough gains on the ground for anti-government armed groups to agree to a comprehensive Chinese-mediated peace deal which culminates in fair political reforms that ultimately neutralize pernicious Western influence that risks “Balkanizing” the country. This month marks three years since the latest phase of Myanmar’s (formerly Burma’s) civil war […]

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Analyzing The Regime Change Sequence That Toppled Bangladesh’s Long-Serving Prime Minister

Here’s how everything unfolded from the start of this summer’s initially peaceful student-led protests against the judiciary’s reimposition of a contentious government job quota system to the spree of urban terrorism that ultimately forced the country’s long-serving leader to flee for her life to India. Casual news consumers don’t know much about Bangladesh apart from it being a South Asian […]

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Global Terror: Failure to Launch On August 22, 2024, the Delhi Police Special Cell uncovered a terrorist network linked to Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), arresting 11 suspects and detaining three others, in raids at 15 locations across three states, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. Six suspects – Hasan Ansari, Enamul Ansari, Altaf Ansari, Arshad Khan, Umar Farooq, and […]

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Abdul Kabir says Qatar has important position in IEA’s foreign policy

Meanwhile, Mirdef Alqashouti, the advisor of the Qatar Embassy in Kabul, said that he will work for the launch of direct flights between Kabul and Doha. Mawlawi Abdul Kabir, the political deputy prime minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA), said on Sunday that Qatar has an important place in the foreign policy of the Islamic Emirate and that […]

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