Archive for September 7th, 2024

Filling the Void Left by Great-Power Retrenchment: Russia, Central Asia, and the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, ending in August 2021, created favorable conditions for Russia to reassert itself as a regional hegemon in broader Central Asia. Historically, as great powers retrench from a territory, the resulting void can be filled either by rival powers or by friendly successor states responsive to the retrenching power’s agenda. While the United States has lacked […]

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Rising Shadows: The Taliban’s Ripple Effect On Regional Terrorism – OpEd

The rise of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan has sent shockwaves throughout South Asia, reverberating far beyond the borders of the war-torn nation. Ahmad Massoud, the leader of Afghanistan’s National Resistance Front, has warned of a growing threat that is now impossible to ignore—the resurgence of terrorism, particularly in Pakistan. This alarming trend is a direct consequence of the […]

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What’s Next In US-Pakistan Relations – OpEd

Pakistan-US relations have evolved significantly. Despite concerns by US lawmakers over the alleged rigging in Pakistani elections in February 2024, the Biden administration has been consistent in engaging the new Pakistani government. With a new government in Pakistan and the US gearing up for its elections this year, both countries have an opportunity to transform the bilateral relationship in light […]

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Security Issues In Southeast Asia – Analysis

Southeast Asia, a region known for its diverse cultures, vibrant economies, and strategic geopolitical location, faces a multitude of security challenges in 2024. These issues range from territorial disputes and terrorism to cyber security threats, transnational crimes, political instability, natural disasters, climate change, regional rivalries, militarization, arms proliferation, and public health security concerns. The interconnected nature of these challenges necessitates […]

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China Tests US Commitment To Indo-Pacific With Maritime Operations – Analysis

China’s recently increased maritime and aerial operations near the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan is part of Beijing’s attempt to gauge the United States’ commitment to supporting allies in the Indo-Pacific region, say analysts. They noted the increased activity comes as Tokyo and Washington gear up for elections in the coming weeks. “China sees an opportunity to test the United States’ […]

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