Archive for October, 2024

Reclaiming the Promise of Nuclear Power in India

Nuclear power represents an unfulfilled promise in India. Yet the ambition to become a developed economy by 2047 and achieve net zero emissions by 2070 will require large investments in nuclear energy—which in turn demand bold reforms in India’s nuclear estate and greater foreign participation in its nuclear industry. Introduction Ever since its independence in 1947, India has obsessively pursued […]

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All Eyes On Balochistan – Two Years Since The Islamic Republic Of Iran Killed Khudanoor Lajai

Khudanoor Lajai, a brilliant young Baloch man killed by the Iranian regime, is one of the symbols of the uprising against the Islamic Republic of Iran. On September 30, 2022, Lajai joined the Zahedan protests against the Islamic regime that resulted in the “Bloody Friday.”[1] A day later he quarreled with IRGC personnel and was shot at close range. Family […]

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Iran to deport 2 million Afghan nationals this year

Iran has stepped up efforts to deport Afghan migrants and said that by the end of March next year, two million undocumented migrants will be “expelled” from the country. According to Iranian media reports, Ahmad Reza Radan, the commander-in-chief of Iran’s law enforcement, stated that “over 750,000 illegal migrants” have already been deported from Iran, and this number will total […]

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Is Pakistan set for new Khan vs government showdown after PTI arrests?

Will the arrest of several PTI parliamentarians and leaders a day after holding a rally to demand ex-PM Imran Khan’s release worsen the political conflict? The arrest of several legislators and leaders of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s party in overnight police raids could trigger yet another showdown between the opposition and the government, analysts have said. The politicians […]

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Pakistan’s New Counterterrorism Operation Was Likely Triggered By Chinese Concerns About CPEC

The lackluster joint statement that followed the Pakistani premier’s visit to China suggested that the People’s Republic is souring on his country due to its inability to protect Chinese workers there who are helping develop CPEC projects. Pakistan recently announced the start of its new counterterrorist operation codenamed “Azm-e-Istehkam”, which came as a long-overdue response to dozens of cross-border attacks […]

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Talibanization of Bangladesh: Biden-Harris Administration, ‘Human Rights’ Groups Silent

Islamist and jihadist student protesters under [Muhamad] Yunus’s leadership have established an alternative government in the country, reminiscent of Iran’s private militia, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Dozens of individuals, including Hindus, are falling victim to mob justice, while the perpetrators of these gruesome crimes enjoy impunity. Notably, Muhammad Yunus is one of the major donors to the Clinton […]

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Questions Pakistan Doesn’t Want Kashmiris To Ask – OpEd

Every year, Pakistan religiously uses the annual United Nations General Assembly [UNGA] podium to repeat its pathetic Kashmir narrative, spicing it up with brazen untruth in an attempt to attract international attention and though palpably incredulous this discourse is [expectedly] hailed as a spectacular diplomatic victory year after year by the local media. This is why Pakistan’s proxies in J&K […]

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The Iranian Regime And the Dangerous Crossroads Of War And Inaction – OpEd

From the invasion of Kuwait by the Iraqi army and the Gulf War, to 9/11 and the temporary fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan by the U.S., and the invasion of Iraq leading to the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, handing Iraq over on a silver platter to the Quds Force and its organized networks, the Iranian regime has […]

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Societal And Phenomenological Dimensions Of Security In Pakistan – OpEd

Security is often driven by insecurities. In today’s world, threats arise from the collective social psyche and have become an unavoidable part of the social conscience. These threats have become so subjective, in certain cases inter-subjective, just like the concept of state, that it is difficult to differentiate between security and threats. The line between war and peace has become […]

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Towards Bi-Multipolarity

Russia-India partnership has the potential to shape geopolitics of the Eurasian region Sanjaya Baru is an economist, a former newspaper editor, a best-selling author, and former adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. He also happens to be one of the thinkers who most keenly understands the complexities of the contemporary world order. Baru proposed the concept of what he calls […]

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