In Dari-Language Booklet, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) Castigates Saudi Arabia For Promoting Music And Obscenity, Declares Prince Salman An Apostate, Calls Muslims To Travel To Afghanistan

In a Dari-language booklet, the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) accuses the Saudi government of promoting indecency in the “land of revelation,” especially by organizing concerts and criticizes Islamic religious scholars for doing what the royal government tells them to do.

A PDF of the 32-page booklet, titled “The Height Of Indecency In The Land Of Revelation,” was released on Telegram by the Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS).

The booklet, whose author is not identified, declares that Saudi Arabia’s Prince Mohamed bin Salman and all Islamic religious scholars who support him and are supported by the Saudi government, are apostates, and calls upon young Muslims to migrate to “Khurasan [i.e., Afghanistan].”

The author says that the purpose of the booklet is to expose the Saudi government’s opposition to shari’a. He begins by saying that all the governments currently ruling the Islamic world are apostates, and one of them is the Saudi government.

The author says that the Saudi government has always taken the side of the devil, and one of the reasons for this is that it is in alliance with the United States in the war against the governments of the Muslims in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.

Saudi Arabia has been working against Muslims since its establishment, the booklet says, calling Abdulaziz bin Abdul Rahman, the founder of the Saudi dynasty, an apostate. It mentions the agreements between the Saudi government and companies from “unbeliever” countries, saying that these companies operate on the basis of usury and that whoever calls this permissible in Islam is not a Muslim.

The Saudi government is running all its affairs based on the needs of these unbeliever companies, which shows that the Saudi government is friendly with the unbelievers, the booklet says. It also criticizes Saudi law for contradicting shari’a and complying with the principles of non-Muslim countries.

Similarly, this booklet objects to those Islamic religious scholars who support Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman and give him permission for all forms of immorality, obscenity, and steps against Islam. Prince Salman is known for introducing liberal norms, as demonstrated in the permission of concerts in Saudi Arabia, which was granted recently.

The booklet states: “Today, my friends, we will unveil another act of non-zealous of Saudi Arabia, and that is that in Riyadh city, where hundreds of Harbi Kafir [i.e., war-worthy] countries have offices, embassies, and obscenity centers in accordance with international law – they are the Crusaders who come to prepare to attack Mecca and Medina, but their parties and representatives have permission to import, sell, and buy wine in Saudi Arabia, while they are members of the coalition against the Islamic State.”

The author adds: “Today the apostate Ibn Salman gave permission to women to remove the hijab and included other freedoms such as issuing driving license to women; by doing this, he turned this holy and blessed abode of revelation of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, into a center of prostitution and concerts.”

Reminding readers that Muhammad, the founder of Islam, once led Islamic forces to Tabuk city in Saudi Arabia and fought a battle against unbelievers, the author says now the conditions have reached a point where prostitutes come to Tabuk, set up modeling shows in swimsuits, and show naked bodies.

The basis for all that the Saudi government, especially Prince Muhammad bin Salman, is doing, are the fatwas issued by Islamic religious scholars, the author says, criticizing such scholars for receiving aid from and for supporting the Saudi government despite it not following shari’a.

A paragraph explains: “At the command of America, [the Saudi religious scholars, who support the government] are preventing the publication and spread of the Islamic State’s Prophetic teachings, while they grant Ibn Salman and other high-ranking officials permission to drink in nightclubs with the same non-Muslims.”

“The hijab is seen as a cause of lack of progress, and female dancers are now holding concerts in the streets of Mecca, and Arab girls are driving without hijab and listening to music in the same blessed streets,” the booklet adds.

It is possible that by the year 2030, the resources of Saudi oil will be reduced or will end, so they think it is permissible for them to engage in obscenity and a lack of honor to achieve economic progress, the author laments.

After that, the author presents reasons for the prohibition of alcohol in the light of Quran and hadiths and says that the Saudi government’s argument that foreigners and diplomats are allowed to drink alcohol in the country is invalid.

About the recent concerts in Saudi Arabia, the author adds, “It’s strange! You allowed the concert and dancing programs, you announced that it is permitted in Islam, while these unbelievers are dropping thousands of pounds of poisonous chemical bombs in Palestine, but you are sprinkling Riyals on these unbelievers at these concerts.”

The author deems Muhammad ibn Salman, the Saudi government, and pro-government religious scholars as apostates and unbelievers, adding: “So, like Jews, Christians and apostate rulers, in the matter of wine and most other matters, Muhammad bin Salman has declared a thing halal [permissible] that is actually haram [forbidden] in Islam, and by doing this, he and all those who give him such a fatwa and confirm it, are apostates.”

In the end, the booklet invites all the Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula to join the Islamic State and perform Hijrah (“migration”). It says, “The mujahideen of the Islamic State are looking forward to your emigration. Let us cleanse all the Islamic lands, including the Arabian Peninsula, of unbelief, corruption, and polytheism, and instead let us make the system of Allah the sole ruler.

“To achieve this purpose, the mujahideen of the Islamic State of Khurasan Province [ISKP] invite you to migrate; come and migrate to Khurasan, get education and training here, so that we can have a wide field and be independent to send everywhere mujahideen from the land of Khurasan.”