Articles By: admin

Pakistan Seizes 400 Facilities Run by Banned Extremist Groups

Authorities in Pakistan said Thursday that a nationwide counter-extremism effort has brought under government control 216 religious seminaries and educational institutions run by outlawed Islamist groups.

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The deal, worth around $3.3 billion, is the biggest deal since October 2018, when the two countries signed a $5.43 billion deal for five units of S-400 air missile defence systems.

India and Russia, on Thursday, signed a $3.3 billion deal for leasing a third nuclear-powered attack submarine- Akula Class- in New Delhi. Defence sources confirmed to Sputnik that the two countries have signed the inter-governmental agreement (IGA) for the Akula class submarine which is likely to be delivered to the Indian Navy by 2025. One of the several incomplete Soviet-era […]

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Ban on Jamaat e Islami , Unconstitutional, Undemocratic

The current comprehensive crackdown on Jama’at-e-Islami though not unprecedented is unique at the same in many respects.In the past whenever there was a ban placed on it, it was on the instigation of local political players. It is interesting to note that when emergency was declared in India in 1975 by Mrs Gandhi, Jam’at was left out of its purview. […]

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Pakistan has ‘full-fledged plan’ to take out terrorist groups, while denying their existence

One week after his prime minister denied that terrorist groups operate from inside his country, Pakistan’s Minister of Information vowed yesterday that he has “a full-fledged strategy” to take action against terrorist groups that use Pakistani soil as home base.

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UN: Al Qaeda continues to view Afghanistan as a ‘safe haven’

The United Nations Security Council warns in its latest report on al Qaeda and the Islamic State that both groups maintain a significant presence in Afghanistan. The UN describes al Qaeda’s relationship with the Taliban as “long-standing” and “strong,” finding that the international terrorist organization “continues to see Afghanistan as a safe haven for its leadership.”

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Pakistan vows again to act against militants on its soil as global pressure grows

Pakistan plans to take action against militant groups operating on its soil, a minister said on Monday, amid global pressure to act after a suicide bomber killed 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir last month.

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Afghan forces kill 8 militants, arrest 4 suspected insurgents

Security forces in crackdown against militants have killed eight Taliban fighters and arrested four others charged with involvement in subversive activities in Kandahar province, a security official, Nisar Ahmad Hand said Tuesday.

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US demands to know if Pakistan used F-16 jet to shoot down Indian warplane over Kashmir

The United States is trying to find out if Pakistan potentially violated an international agreement by using a US-built F-16 jet to shoot down an Indian warplane.

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US-Taliban negotiations in Qatar enter fifth day

Negotiations between the Taliban and the United States officials in Qatar entered the fifth day in an attempt to end the 17-year war in Afghanistan. The talks mark the highest level negotiations between the two sides since the US ramped up peace efforts last year.

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Afghanistan, China and Pakistan , A Paradigm Shift

The role of Pakistan and Afghanistan in the region has become more important with the announcement of CPEC. The upcoming hub of Gwadar is all set to change the shape of international trade in South Asia. In order to resolve key issues and to bring peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan consistently been holding dialogues with Taliban on the request of Trump. […]

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