Articles By: admin

China, India clash over PM Modi’s visit to disputed state

China has condemned a visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to a disputed border region which triggered a war between the nuclear-armed neighbors in 1962.

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Long a spoiler, Pakistan starts behind-scenes aid to U.S.-Taliban talks

Pakistan, long at odds with the United States over the war in Afghanistan, has begun to play a behind-the-scenes but central role in supporting U.S. peace talks with the Afghan Taliban, including by facilitating travel to negotiations, U.S. officials and Taliban sources told Reuters.

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Russia says ready to help Taliban talks on US withdrawal

A top Russian diplomat has met with Taliban representatives and expressed Moscow’s support for the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The meeting came after two days of talks between prominent Afghan figures and Taliban representatives in Moscow and contradictory statements about an immediate US forces pullout from the country.

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Have Taliban Turned Tables on Ashraf Ghani?

When Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani laid out the red carpet in 2017 for controversial Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar – once known as “the Butcher of Kabul” for his role in the bloody conflict for the control of the capital in the 1990s – many thought he was trying to isolate the central Taliban leadership by luring factions to break away […]

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Why a Deal With the Taliban Will Prevent Attacks on America

The United States and the Taliban made progress in peace talks in late January after coming to a basic understanding about withdrawing American troops in return for Taliban commitments to prevent Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for transnational terrorists. An agreement between the United States and the Taliban has been long overdue — as part of a broader settlement […]

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Don’t Trust the Taliban’s Promises

In his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump tied the withdrawal of U.S. troops to a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan. For a famously mercurial president, that may be no guarantee. But if the United States goes ahead with this course, negotiations should focus on fashioning a peace deal that can last instead of seeking a fig leaf to […]

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Nature Isolates The Kashmir Valley!

(The continuous blockade of the National Highway linking Kashmir with the rest of the world in spite of the best efforts of the Border Roads Organization calls for an alternate link)

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Meeting in Moscow: The Taliban Meets the Afghan Opposition

It had the semblance of a play lacking key actors. They were deemed the difficult ones, and a decision was made to go through with the performance. The Taliban were willing to talk with their adversaries, but they were keen on doing so with opposition politicians rather than the stick-in-the-mud types in government led by the current President Ashraf Ghani. […]

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With No Deal for Minesweepers on the Cards, Indian Navy Hunts for Alternative

The Indian government has failed to conclude a deal with foreign manufacturers to acquire mine countermeasure vessels since 2005. In the meantime, the last batch of minesweepers retired last year, rendering the Indian Navy devoid of the crucial asset.

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India – 777 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures Self-Protection Suite

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to India of two (2) 777 Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) Self-Protection Suites (SPS) for an estimated cost of $190 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

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