Category: Pakistan

India to Buy More Air-to-Air Missiles Amid F-16 Deployment by Pakistan – Report

The Indo-Pak border has become a hot-bed of hostilities after the 14 February Pulwama terror incident. Indian fighter jets are doing patrol sorties on a continual basis in fully weaponised mode carrying air-to-air rockets.

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Pakistan assures US to deal ‘firmly’ with all militants, says NSA Bolton

The assurance was given by Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi during a phone call on Monday, Bolton said on a day when Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale called on US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo here and discussed the need to bringing those responsible for the Pulwama attack to justice and the urgency of Pakistan taking meaningful action against militant […]

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US agents faked trail to infiltrate as LeT recruits

US intelligence agents laid a cyber trail all the way to a fake terror camp in Pakistan, mastered idioms and style of Islamic terrorists giving a convincing portrayal of jihadis in a bid to infiltrate a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) recruitment ring.

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India asks nuclear rival Pakistan for crackdown on terror groups as tensions ease

Tensions flared between the nuclear rivals after a suicide attack on a convoy of Indian paramilitary soldiers in the Indian-held Kashmir that killed 40 soldiers.

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Pakistan Seizes 400 Facilities Run by Banned Extremist Groups

Authorities in Pakistan said Thursday that a nationwide counter-extremism effort has brought under government control 216 religious seminaries and educational institutions run by outlawed Islamist groups.

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Pakistan has ‘full-fledged plan’ to take out terrorist groups, while denying their existence

One week after his prime minister denied that terrorist groups operate from inside his country, Pakistan’s Minister of Information vowed yesterday that he has “a full-fledged strategy” to take action against terrorist groups that use Pakistani soil as home base.

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Pakistan vows again to act against militants on its soil as global pressure grows

Pakistan plans to take action against militant groups operating on its soil, a minister said on Monday, amid global pressure to act after a suicide bomber killed 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir last month.

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US demands to know if Pakistan used F-16 jet to shoot down Indian warplane over Kashmir

The United States is trying to find out if Pakistan potentially violated an international agreement by using a US-built F-16 jet to shoot down an Indian warplane.

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Afghanistan, China and Pakistan , A Paradigm Shift

The role of Pakistan and Afghanistan in the region has become more important with the announcement of CPEC. The upcoming hub of Gwadar is all set to change the shape of international trade in South Asia. In order to resolve key issues and to bring peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan consistently been holding dialogues with Taliban on the request of Trump. […]

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Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal Body Set to Meet in the Wake of Indian Air Strike

Following the violation of its airspace by the Indian Air Force (IAF), the government of Pakistan has summoned a special meeting of the apex body that oversees policy formulation, exercises, deployment, research and development, and operational command and control of the country’s nuclear arsenal.

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