Category: South East Asia

Taliban ve İslam Emirliği’nin yeni dış ilişkileri

Kabil’in düşmesi ile Afganistan bayrakları gönderden indirildi ve yerlerine Taliban’ın İslam Emirliği bayrakları çekildi. Batı ülkeleri büyükelçiliklerini birbiri ardına boşalttı. Çoğu yerli personelini bile tahliye etmeyi başaramadı. Afgan çalışanlarına haber vermeden ülkeden kaçan Batı temsilcilikleri bile oldu. Dünya devletlerinin Kabil oluşacak yeni hükümetle nasıl bir ilişki kuracakları elbette henüz net değil ve büyük ölçüde Taliban’ın nasıl bir koalisyon hükümeti kuracağına […]

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Kabul near standstill on day one of the Taliban’s ‘Emirate’

The bustling metropolis of six million saw businesses shut as people stayed indoors after the Taliban took over. The bustling metropolis of six million saw businesses shut as people stayed indoors after the Taliban took over. The first day of what the Taliban calls the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” saw Kabul, a bustling metropolis of six million, turn into a […]

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Taliban Spokesperson Denies He Gave Interview to Israeli Reporter

The Taliban’s international media spokesperson denied that he conducted an interview with an Israeli journalist, suggesting that a reporter for the Israel public broadcaster may have been “masquerading” in order to get the one-on-one. Suhail Shaheen on Tuesday night in a telephone interview with Roi Kais of Kan News said the Islamist group will respect the rights of minorities in […]

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In the Shadows of the American Century – The Rise and Decline of US Global Power

Reading “In the Shadows of the American Century” is a bit of an up and down ride. The best part of the book for personal interest concerning the author is the Introduction. The author, Alfred McCoy, discusses his personal situation in relation to his family and the environment in which he was raised and the family friends whose lives ended […]

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Biden’s Afghanistan speech: America’s criminal war ends in debacle

On Monday afternoon, US President Joe Biden delivered a nationally televised address in response to the collapse of the US-backed puppet government in Afghanistan. The scale and historical impact of the catastrophe suffered by American imperialism in Afghanistan, which in many respects exceeds even its defeat in the Vietnam War, found expression in the speech, perhaps the bleakest address by […]

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“You’re all going to die”: Persuading Pakistan’s generals to see the light

“You’re all going to die,” the diminutive, senior U.S. intelligence official observed in matter-of-fact fashion to her stunned Pakistan Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) hosts. Her rather blunt appraisal was uncharacteristic of the engagement to which the senior Pakistani officials had grown accustomed and cut to the chase: the consequences of decades of Pakistan’s support to the Taliban, violent Kashmiri liberation groups, […]

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Can the IRGC-Taliban honeymoon continue? (Part 1)

Tehran’s policy toward the Afghan Taliban has created new clashes within Iranian government circles. These clashes recently escalated as influential hard-line media and associates of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) made public efforts to portray the Taliban in a positive light.

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Kabul: First day under Taliban rule

The Taliban said that while there was little traffic on the roads and many shops were closed Monday, following the take over on Sunday, this was just a temporary situation and that things will return to normal in the next few days. The Taliban is patrolling the city to maintain civil order, and shops, schools, universities, and many institutions are […]

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Taliban spokesman Mujahid holds first press conference in Kabul

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Tuesday night that the Taliban has succeeded in ending the foreign occupation of Afghanistan after 20 years of “struggle”. Addressing his first press conference, Mujahid threw some light on the current situation and reassured Kabul residents that “their security is assured.” He also said that the Taliban has declared a general amnesty to prevent […]

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The Taliban Victory – Made In USA

The fall of the democratically elected government in Afghanistan is an American betrayal of democracy. The fall did not begin yesterday – it began with the Doha agreement signed in February 2020. The U.S. and other Western powers were pretending hard to push forward a non-option in Kabul, a power-sharing agreement between the Taliban and the democratically elected government of […]

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