Georgy Asatryan, an expert on Afghanistan, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as a member of Russian International Affairs Council gave an interview to Hayk Khalatyan of the Eurasia Daily on developments in Afghanistan. He called the Taliban victory “an extremely harmful and dangerous example for the international relations system and stability as a whole.” How did this […]
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Taliban Spokesman Mohammad Naeem: It Is Unreasonable To Deny Afghanistan Of Foreign Aid If The Taliban Implements The Shari’a – Islam Is The Faith Of The People
Mohammad Naeem, the Spokesman for the Taliban’s Political Bureau and a member of its negotiations delegation in Qatar referred to a quote by German Foreign Minister stating that Germany would deny Afghanistan of aid if the Taliban implements the Islamic shari’a in the country, saying that this was “unreasonable.” He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Russia […]
Read more ›Billions spent on Afghan army ultimately benefited Taliban
Built and trained at a two-decade cost of $83 billion, Afghan security forces collapsed so quickly and completely — in some cases without a shot fired — that the ultimate beneficiary of the American investment turned out to be the Taliban. They grabbed not only political power but also U.S.-supplied firepower — guns, ammunition, helicopters and more. The Taliban captured […]
Read more ›Taliban allowing ‘safe passage’ from Kabul in US airlift
The Taliban have agreed to allow “safe passage” from Afghanistan for civilians struggling to join a U.S.-directed airlift from the capital, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser said Tuesday, although a timetable for completing the evacuation of Americans, Afghan allies and others has yet to be worked out with the country’s new rulers.
Read more ›Taliban promise women’s rights, security under Islamic rule
The Taliban vowed Tuesday to respect women’s rights, forgive those who fought them and ensure Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorists as part of a publicity blitz aimed at reassuring world powers and a fearful population. Following a lightning offensive across Afghanistan that saw many cities fall to the insurgents without a fight, the Taliban have sought to […]
Read more ›La victoire des talibans, un tournant dans l’ordre mondial
L’offensive des talibans va permettre à la Chine de souligner les contradictions américaines et de se présenter comme la première ligne de défense face aux terrorismes musulmans. « What Went Wrong ? » Dans un court essai, écrit avant les attentats du 11-Septembre, mais publié peu de temps après, l’historien britannique devenu américain, Bernard Lewis, s’interrogeait sur le rapport entre […]
Read more ›Ein PR-Sieg für den islamistischen Terror
Eine Demütigung für den Westen. Die Schockwellen werden bald Europa erreichen: Durch Flüchtlinge und die Radikalisierung von Islamisten. Ein Kommentar. Christian Böhme Keiner hat sie aufgehalten. Provinz um Provinz, Stadt um Stadt fiel in die Hände der Islamisten. Widerstand? Nicht der Rede wert. Weder die Sicherheitskräfte der afghanischen Regierung noch die Milizen der Warlords konnten – oder wollten – dem […]
Read more ›Afganistan’daki yeni süreç neler getirecek? Türkiye ne yapmalı?
Taliban artık Afganistan’ın yönetimini resmen devralmaya hazırlanıyor. En çarpıcı gerçek de Taliban’ın adım adım ilerleyişinin ABD başta olmak üzere NATO ülkelerinin gözleri önünde gerçekleşmiş olması. Dolayısıyla yeni oluşacak yönetim ve ardındaki sır perdesi aralandıkça asıl projeksiyonu daha sağlıklı görebileceğiz. Buna rağmen olan bitenler ve elimizdeki verilerle stratejik açıdan yaşanabilecek bazı hususları sıralamak katkı sağlayıcı olacaktır. Birincisi bu aşamadan sonra ülkenin […]
Read more ›Desperate Afghans Fall From Sky After Clinging to Plane Leaving Kabul
At least seven people die in the chaos, officials say, after Taliban takes over Afghanistan Seven people died during the chaos at the Kabul airport, some of which were seen on a video shared on social media showing people falling from a departing U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane. Another video shows civilians hanging on to the undercarriage as the […]
Read more ›Pentagon OKs More Troops for Kabul
U.S. embassy says airport security not stable The Pentagon authorized another 1,000 troops to help evacuate U.S. citizens and Afghans who worked for them from Kabul, a U.S. official said on Sunday, after the embassy warned the security situation at the city’s airport was changing quickly. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the addition brings the total number […]
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