Category: South East Asia

Rushed Afghan Deal Could Aid Terror Groups, U.S. Watchdog Says

A rushed peace deal in Afghanistan could leave millions of unemployed men at risk of being recruited by terrorist groups and criminal gangs, according to a Pentagon watchdog who’s been tracking the war 18 years after the U.S. invaded to oust the Taliban.

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Trump Must Restart the Taliban Talks

Citing insurgent violence to justify ending talks is a recipe for an endless war in Afghanistan. President Trump calling off the talks with Taliban insurgents on Sept. 7 has, at least for now, quashed hopes of imminent agreement between the United States and the Taliban. The two sides had appeared to be on the brink of a deal that might […]

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Pakistan Rules Out Talks With India Over Kashmir

Pakistan has ruled out talks with India until India reverses recent controversial actions in the disputed Kashmir territory. Pakistan also turned down India’s overflight request for its prime minister’s upcoming visit to the United States.

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India Sets up Military Landing Ground for Fighter Jets near Chinese Threshold

Despite China’s objection to the Indian stance on Arunachal Pradesh, which China refers to as “South Tibet”, the Indian Air Force activated a crucial advanced landing ground in the State on Wednesday.

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Taliban suicide bombers kill dozens of civilians in Kabul, Parwan

The Taliban claimed credit for today’s suicide attacks in the capitals of Kabul and Parwan that killed dozens of civilians. One of the two attacks took place at an election rally for President Arshaf Ghani. The Taliban has warned civilians to stay away from election sites.

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Taliban Lift Ban On Red Cross, Pledge To Protect Aid Workers In Afghanistan

The Taliban are rescinding a 5-month-old ban that prevented staff with the International Committee of the Red Cross from working in Afghanistan, saying they also will renew security guarantees for the aid workers.

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Taliban supplies al Qaeda with explosives for attacks in major Afghan cities

The Taliban continues to work closely with al Qaeda’s branch in South Asia. Afghan Commandos and a unit from the National Directorate of Security raided a Taliban warehouse that was used to store explosives that would be used by Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) to conduct attacks in the Afghan capital and other “major cities.”

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Jihad, history link Taliban to al-Qaida in Afghanistan

The Taliban promised Washington during months of negotiations that the United States would never again be attacked from Afghan soil. Such a pledge would have included al-Qaida, which planned the 9/11 attacks from inside Afghanistan.

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Authorities: Separate attacks in Afghanistan kill 48

Separate attacks by suicide bombers — one targeting President Ashraf Ghani’s election rally and a second that ripped through the center of the Afghan capital — killed at least 48 people and wounded scores more Tuesday in the deadliest single day since a peace agreement with Taliban insurgents was declared dead.

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Over 110 militants killed as Afghan forces increase pressure: Officials

More than 110 militants have been killed in Afghanistan over the past 24 hours as government forces have increased pressure on the Taliban outfit, officials said Sunday.

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