Category: South East Asia

India confirms operational status of Afghanistan embassy

India’s foreign ministry confirmed on Thursday that the Afghan Embassy in New Delhi, along with the consulates in Mumbai and Hyderabad, remains operational. Arindam Bagchi, Indian foreign ministry’s spokesperson, emphasized that India’s stance on the entities’ status has not changed despite the ongoing situation. He assured that Afghan diplomats would continue providing services to Afghan nationals in India. The embassy, […]

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IEA’s chief of army to opponents: You cannot achieve results through war

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Chief of Army Staff, Fasihudin Fitrat, says war in the country is not the solution and those who are against the current ruling government should stop fighting and raise their problems through dialogue and negotiation. On a trip to Badakhshan province, Fitrat said: “They [armed opponents] in Afghanistan cannot achieve a result through war, if […]

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The Great Himalayan Chessboard: China, India, And The Geopolitical Gambit In Nepal – Analysis

Nepal’s geographical and topographical attributes have endowed it with a newfound significance in the foreign policy realm, where nations strategically pursue power and influence. This significance is particularly pronounced in hydropower development, where the confluence of ambitions between China and India has transformed Nepal into a focal point of their intricate power play. Regarding geography and geopolitics, Nepal occupies a […]

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Jammu And Kashmir: Tightening The Noose Around Terrorist Facilitators – OpEd

In his book titled ‘Pakistan at Knife’s Edge’, veteran Pakistani journalist notes that “Whether or not Pakistan won anything in the two Jihads of 1980’s [in Afghanistan] and 1990’s [in J&K], many Pakistani Generals certainly became extraordinarily rich and politically powerful.” This pithy but absolutely appropriate observation holds good for another category of unscrupulous people in J&K, the ones who […]

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Why India Is Resilient To Global Sanctions – Analysis

Robust growth in 2nd quarter GDP of 2023-24 (July -September) re-stablished that India is resilient to global sanctions, projecting its strong economic fundamentals. India pinned continuous growth in GDP in all quarters since January 2023, despite global sanctions imposed on Russia in December 2022. However, the noteworthy feature of 2nd quarter growth growth was that a new era of structural […]

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Myanmar’s Instability Deepens As The World Watches Silently – Analysis

Myanmar’s stability has eroded significantly since the 2021 military coup. But the coordinated attack by multiple separatist and pro-democracy groups in October and November 2023 has seen military outposts, villages, border crossings, and other infrastructure overrun. While the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s military, clings to control in central and coastal regions populated by the country’s ethnic majority, much of the country’s border […]

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The Evolution Of The Modern State System: Does Pakistan Meet The Criteria Of A Modern State? – OpEd

Concept of the state systemHistorical records reveal that the very concept and nodes of the modern nation-state system can be traced back to the creation of Greek city-states when first they came to prominence around 700 BCE followed by the Roman city-state system in 753 BCE, later on, converted into kingdoms and empires and their re-emergence with the signing of […]

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Reuters Doesn’t Really Understand Why India Is Opposed To Sikh Separatism

From India’s perspective, these anti-state forces have exploited Western liberalism to live cozy lives and fund their separatist activities back home through illegal activity, all the while the host governments fail to crack down on their interconnected domestic-international crimes due to “political correctness”. Reuters’ recent report about how “India PM Modi’s Sikh Separatist Fight Driven by Security, Politics” completely misses […]

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Afghanistan’s Enigma Under Taliban Rule – OpEd

It has been 20 months since the Taliban seized control of Kabul, bringing an end to two decades of warfare in Afghanistan. However, the cessation of hostilities has not translated into an improvement in the lives of millions of Afghans, as the nation grapples with severe humanitarian and human rights crises. While the Taliban, with the assistance of the UN, […]

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Unraveling The Complex Web: The Taliban’s Proxy Warfare In Afghanistan – OpEd

In the aftermath of the Taliban’s control over Afghanistan, a clandestine network has emerged under the umbrella of the Taliban’s self-proclaimed Islamic Emirate, led by the shadowy non-state actor known as the TTA (Taliban Terrorist Alliance). This malevolent entity, driven by a violent ideology, orchestrates chaos through various terrorist proxies strategically aimed at neighboring countries. Notably, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), […]

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