53 Taliban rebels killed in fresh raids

At least 53 Taliban militants were killed and 14 others received injuries in different operations conducted in southern Kandahar, Helmand and Ghazni provinces in the last 24 hours, defense ministry said on Saturday.

A group of Taliban insurgents had planned to attack the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANSDF) positions, which they came under Afghan forces target in Zherai district of the province on Friday night, according to a defense ministry statement.

31 Taliban rebels were killed and 10 others were wounded in Zherai district during the raid.

16 IEDs that were placed by the Taliban rebels on the public roads in Marof and Shah Wali Kot districts of the province to kill innocent people were also discovered and safely detonated by Afghan National Army (ANA), the statement said.

According to the statement, 10 Taliban insurgents were killed and four others were wounded in Sangin district of Helmand province. They were planning to attack ANDSF positions when they were targeted by the ANA.

Similarly, Taliban’s attack on the security check posts had been pushed back in QaraBagh district of Ghazni province on Friday night.

12 Taliban fighters were killed and four motorbikes of them with some weapons destroyed by Afghan forces.

On the other hand, the ANA prevented a car bomb attack in Dawlat Abad district of Faryab province. The vehicle that had been filled with explosives by Taliban was targeted and destroyed by ANA in the district.