Army Commander Says Troop Drawdown Will Not Impact Security

The commander of the Afghan Army’s 111 Division says there is “no concern” about foreign forces withdrawal.
An army commander on Sunday said that the Taliban is trying to “conduct terrorist activities” in areas near the capital city but pledged they will be prevented.
The commander of the Afghan Army’s 111 Division, Ramin Muqbil, said that there is “no concern” about the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan because, according to him, the government forces have the capability to conduct independent operations.
“The 2,500 that have remained in Afghanistan are not joining us on the battlefield. They have an advisory role, sometimes with our leaders,” he said.
Mohammad Hasan, an army soldier, who has served in the Afghan National Army for 14 years, said that three of his brothers who were also army soldiers were killed in the war and they left nine children who should be taken care of by him.
“I will serve the country while I am alive,” said Mohammad Hasan, a soldier.
Other soldiers of the division said they recently pushed back a Taliban attack in the Kahak-e-Jabbar district east of Kabul city.
“This is our reserve unit, who stay alert all the time,” Hasan said.
“We ensure the safety of the highway and we travel to districts and provide help anywhere we are asked,” another army soldier Hedayat-Ur-Rahman said.
According to the security forces, militants are trying to infiltrate their people through the northern and eastern highways to Kabul, including Kabul-Jalalabad and Kabul-Logar, but they are prevented by the security forces, mainly the 111 Division.
Officials said that there are 130 secondary routes through which militants are traveling. The 111 Division are operative in Kabul, Bamiyan, Kapisa, Panjshir and Parwan provinces in central Afghanistan.