Taliban seize control of Ghazni city after governor makes ‘secret deal’

A Ghazni provincial council member has confirmed that Ghazni city fell to the Taliban on Thursday morning following a “secret deal” between the Taliban and Daud Laghmani, the provincial governor.

Amanullah Kamrani, a member of the provincial council, told Ariana News that with the help of the Taliban, Laghmani fled the province and tried to reach Kabul.

Taliban fighters launched an offensive against Ghazni city early Thursday and soon seized the governor’s compound, police headquarters and provincial office of the National Directorate of Security (NDS).

A video clip on social media shows Laghmani’s convoy of vehicles driving through militant checkpoints while being escorted out of the province by Taliban.

“Ghazni province fell based on a secret deal between the governor and Taliban. Ghazni governor in coordination with Taliban escaped to Kabul,” said Kamrani.

The Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed that Ghazni’s governor and his deputy were arrested by police in Wardak province.

“The Ghazni governor, his deputy and other accompanying members were arrested… in Maidan Wardak province,” said Mirwais Stanekzai, spokesman for the MoI.

Military officials, meanwhile, confirmed that Taliban has seized some areas, but that the Taliban militants will be met with resistance.

“It is our commitment to people and Allah (God) that we will defend the soil and people. Afghan forces’ efforts should be praised,” said Bismillah Mohammadi, acting defense minister.
“I assure you that I will perform my job. Taliban should learn from their defeat in Kandahar. They (Taliban) have lost their commanders, we will defeat the group,” said Haibatullah Alizai, the recently appointed army chief of staff.

The Taliban has said in the past it will not attack cities, however in the past two weeks, the group has seized the Nimruz, Kunduz, Baghlan, Jawzjan, Samangan, Ghazni, Takhar, Sar-e-Pul, Badakhshan and Farah capitals.

“We have lost some areas, but people stand by us. We have power,” said Hamdullah Mohib, the national security adviser of Afghanistan.

Local sources meanwhile told Ariana News that the Taliban has launched an offensive on Ghor and Badghis capitals.

In addition to this, violence has escalated in Herat, Kandahar and Helmand provinces.

Reports indicate that the Taliban has seized a government prison in Kandahar city.

In addition sources confirmed that Yar Mohammd Dostum, son of Marshal Dostum, along with his forces, who was under Taliban siege was transferred to Balkh province.

This comes after President Ashraf Ghani said on Wednesday, during a visit to Balkh province, that the Taliban will be defeated.