Archive for August 28th, 2021

Luc de Barochez – L’échec afghan laisse l’Otan moribonde

ÉDITO. L’Europe devrait saisir l’occasion pour rompre avec sa sujétion aux États-Unis et réinventer l’alliance transatlantique. Emmanuel Macron avait raison, avec deux ans d’avance. L’Otan est bel et bien en état de « mort cérébrale ». Estourbie par son échec en Afghanistan. Depuis vingt ans, elle consacrait l’essentiel de son énergie à tenter d’y construire une armée et une nation. […]

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Più che la democrazia, abbiamo esportato inflazione e rancore

La resa dei conti. Investito in sviluppo un 20° di quanto speso per guerreggiare. E solo un decimo di quel 20° è finito in progetti agricoli, per un popolo a cui non restava altro che coltivare oppio. A chi presentare il conto della disfatta? I paesi Nato potrebbero almeno accollarsi, in proporzione al Pil, l’impegno di dare ospitare le migliaia […]

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A fuga que se adivinha

Apesar de, nos últimos meses, a questão dos refugiados não ter estado em foco nas agendas mediáticas, há migrantes que continuam a arriscar a vida no Mediterrâneo à procura de paz. Com a crise no Afeganistão, o fluxo terá tendência a aumentar. Se, numa primeira fase, Portugal vai receber 50 pessoas que de uma forma ou de outra colaboraram com […]

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Pääkirjoitus: Ovi hädänalaisille ei ole enää apposen auki EU:ssa

Kreeta KarvalaEuroopassa ei haluta toistaa edellisen pakolaiskriisin virheitä, mutta uusien toimintamallien luominen on jäsenmaiden näkemyserojen vuoksi haastavaa, kirjoittaa Iltalehden Kreeta Karvala. Afganistanissa asuu 38 miljoonaa ihmistä, ja Talibanien valtaan nousun myötä tuhannet ovat jo jättäneet maan. YK:n pakolaisjärjestö UNHCR:n mukaan vuoden alusta puoli miljoonaa afgaania oli jo paennut kodeistaan. Heistä suurin osa on nyt Iranissa ja Pakistanissa. Eri asiantuntija-arvioiden mukaan […]

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Our Afghanistan SITREP for August 26 – Explosions Outside Kabul Airport

Until August 31, we will attempt to provide our readers with a daily SITREP on Afghanistan, based on information we believe is credible, along with a brief analysis providing some measure of context. Explosions Outside Kabul’s Airport An explosion took place a few minutes ago today, outside Kabul’s airport. Unconfirmed reports speak of three wounded U.S. servicemembers. The Taliban’s spokesperson […]

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With the Taliban Back in Kabul, Regional Powers Watch and Wait

On 15 August, the Taliban capped their drive for power in Afghanistan by taking Kabul, the country’s capital, for the first time since they ruled most of the country from 1996 to 2001. With the previous government’s collapse, the group is now the de facto power throughout the country and is in the process of forming a new government and […]

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Peligro de desbandada en Kabul

La comunidad internacional debería intentar mantener un pasillo humanitario abierto incluso si EEUU se desentiende a partir del 31 de agosto El derrumbamiento súbito del régimen afgano ante el avance talibán convirtió la retirada de las fuerzas de Estados Unidos en una huida contra reloj, en la que se ha tenido que improvisar el rescate del personal de los países […]

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U.S. on alert for further Kabul attacks in race to complete evacuations

U.S. forces helping evacuate Afghans desperate to flee Taliban rule were on alert for more attacks on Friday after an Islamic State suicide bombing outside Kabul airport killed at least 92 people, including 13 U.S. service members. The White House said the next few days of an ongoing U.S. evacuation operation that the Pentagon said has taken about 111,000 people […]

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Inside the Hidden War Between the Taliban and ISIS

Two days before he was shot dead by the Taliban, Abu Omar Khorasani, a onetime leader of Islamic State in Afghanistan, sat slumped in a dingy Afghan prison interview room, waiting for his soon-to-be executioners. Mr. Khorasani saw the Taliban’s advance as a harbinger for change. For years both organizations had sworn to rid Afghanistan of nonbelievers. “They will let […]

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After Decades of War, ISIS and Al Qaeda Can Still Wreak Havoc

The U.S. and its allies waged war for 20 years to try to defeat terrorists in Afghanistan. A double-suicide bombing demonstrated that they remain a threat. The nightmare that kept counterterrorism experts awake even before the Taliban returned to power is that Afghanistan would become fertile ground for terrorist groups, most notably Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Two explosions […]

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