Archive for August, 2021

Talks to Start After Taliban Leaders Arrive in Kabul

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the leader of HIzb-e-Islami party, on Friday said that formal talks between the Afghan political leaders and the Taliban will start once the Taliban leaders arrive in Kabul. He said the recent meetings were informal meetings. Meanwhile, Mohammad Younus Qanooni, the former vice president of Afghanistan, warned the Taliban against pursuing their past policies. He said that such […]

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Afghanistan’s Silk Road jewel: experts fear for heritage in Herat

With Herat now in the hands of the Taliban as the militant group consolidates power over the last outposts of government-held territory, protecting Afghanistan’s heritage has become a grave concern for many. Last month Unesco, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, accepted a request by the Afghan government to include the city in a list of world cultural […]

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Former US Centcom chief: military alone ‘insufficient’ to achieve goals in Afghanistan

Joe Votel was only a few weeks into his new job as commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the US Army’s elite special operations force, when Al Qaeda hijackers attacked New York. At his base in Fort Benning, in the southern state of Georgia, his secretary came into his office and told him to switch on the TV. “It was […]

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Panjshir Commander Ahmad Massoud readies for war while negotiating with Taliban

The leader of Afghanistan’s only region not to have fallen to the Taliban has said he would be willing to join a Taliban government, but only if the group proved itself to be inclusive and respect the rights of all Afghans. Ahmad Massoud, 32, leads forces in the Panjshir valley and said that war was on the cards if the […]

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Afghan Leadership Failed To Stand Up To Taliban, Says NATO Chief

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday (17 August) called on the Taliban to prevent Afghanistan from lapsing back into being a breeding ground for terrorism, and said the Western defence alliance has agreed to send additional evacuation planes to Kabul. Western powers are scrambling to respond to the fall-out from their decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and the Taliban’s […]

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Taliban Declare Amnesty For Afghan Government Officials

The Taliban has declared a general amnesty for former Afghan government officials, a statement by the Taliban said. “A general amnesty has been declared for all so you should have no doubt about resuming your normal activities,” the statement reads, TASS reported. Taliban members entered Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul on August 15, meeting no resistance, and took control of the […]

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Talibans’ Return 20 Years After 9/11: Challenges In Building Peace In Afghanistan – Analysis

Twenty years ago, the United States waged the Global War On Terrorism (GWOT) in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 (9/11) terrorist attacks. The US declared Afghanistan as the first front in this war with the intention to swiftly crush the Taliban forces for providing safe haven to Osama bin Laden and other leaders of the Al-Qaeda. The GWOT […]

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Why The Taliban’s Victory Represents A Victory For Long-Term US Geopolitical Interests – OpEd

At first glance, the Taliban’s victory over the Afghan government after the US withdrew its troops from the country represents a humiliating defeat for America and its allies. This, at least, seems to be the position taken by analysts and commentators in coverage of this story in most mainstream US media publications. Upon closer review, however, the US’s withdrawal from […]

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US-Afghanistan August 15, 2021: Eight Conclusions And The Mean Words ‘What Was It We Said All The Time?’ – OpEd

Back then, after September 11, 2001, in Washington and New York, everybody talked about who could have done it, how they did it and with what means. The only thing never brought to the fore was: WHY would somebody want to do something like 9/11 to the United States of America? By not asking the Why question, the US could […]

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Pentagon Says US Could Evacuate Up To 9,000 A Day From Afghanistan

Air operations at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, continued through the night, getting between 700 and 800 people out of the country, said Army Maj. Gen. William D. “Hank” Taylor, the Joint Staff’s deputy director for regional operations. Taylor spoke alongside DOD Press Secretary John F. Kirby at the Pentagon. The men said the airport is under U.S. […]

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