Archive for August, 2021

The United States, Afghanistan, and the Doctrinal Boundaries of Permissible Reflection

One of the doctrinal principles behind U.S. corporate-imperial news coverage and commentary and mainstream US politics is that the United States is a fundamentally benevolent force for good facing difficulties created by evil others and challenging situations not of Washington’s own making. Debate is permissible on immediate strategy and tactics but is not allowed on these core American Exceptionalist positions. […]

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It is Government Weakness, Not Taliban Strength, That Condemns Afghanistan

The victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan is looking unstoppable as they capture the big provincial cities of Kandahar, Herat and Ghazni without meeting effective resistance from Afghan government forces. Afghan soldiers and security forces are fleeing, surrendering or changing sides as they see no point in dying for a lost cause. The speed of the Taliban success has caught […]

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Biden Forfeits His Afghan Victory by Defending His Deep State Advisors

President Biden put a popular flag-waving wrapping on America’s forced withdrawal from Afghanistan in his 4 PM speech on Monday. It was as if all this was following Biden’s own intentions, not a demonstration of the totally incompetent assurances by the CIA and State Department as recently as last Friday that the Taliban was over a month away from being […]

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Taliban urges government staff to return to work

In a bid to reassure the nation, the Taliban on Monday called on all government employees, including women, to return to work. The deputy head of the Taliban’s political office in Qatar Abdul Salam Hanafi stressed that diplomatic missions, and military and civilian government employees can work alongside the Taliban without any concerns and that no one’s rights will be […]

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Taliban senior official says real test begins now

The Taliban’s real test begins now as they look to meet the people’s expectations and serve them by resolving problems, a senior official from the group said as the Taliban took over Afghanistan, Reuters reported. In a video released by Taliban on Monday (August 16), Mullah Baradar Akhund, deputy of the Taliban, said it was now time to provide for […]

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Kabul: First day under Taliban rule

The Taliban said that while there was little traffic on the roads and many shops were closed Monday, following the take over on Sunday, this was just a temporary situation and that things will return to normal in the next few days. The Taliban is patrolling the city to maintain civil order, and shops, schools, universities, and many institutions are […]

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Taliban spokesman Mujahid holds first press conference in Kabul

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Tuesday night that the Taliban has succeeded in ending the foreign occupation of Afghanistan after 20 years of “struggle”. Addressing his first press conference, Mujahid threw some light on the current situation and reassured Kabul residents that “their security is assured.” He also said that the Taliban has declared a general amnesty to prevent […]

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Afghan delegation meets with Pakistan’s prime minister

An Afghan delegation of political figures met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday, the Pakistani leader’s office confirmed. According to a statement issued by Khan’s office, the prime minister welcomed the delegation and “expressed strong support and solidarity for the fraternal people of Afghanistan, linked to the people of Pakistan through immutable bonds of faith, history, geography, culture […]

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The Taliban Are The Future

After the sudden collapse of the Afghan government and military and the victory of the Taliban, some experts have warned of the danger of a failed state run by a Salafi-jihadi group closely allied with Al-Qaeda. Perhaps a bigger concern may be the danger of a not-failed state, possibly even a successful authoritarian one, run by a Salafi-jihadi group closely […]

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The Taliban Victory – Made In USA

The fall of the democratically elected government in Afghanistan is an American betrayal of democracy. The fall did not begin yesterday – it began with the Doha agreement signed in February 2020. The U.S. and other Western powers were pretending hard to push forward a non-option in Kabul, a power-sharing agreement between the Taliban and the democratically elected government of […]

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