Archive for August, 2021

Taliban Fighters Enter Kabul As Helicopters Land At U.S. Embassy

Taliban fighters entered the outskirts of the Afghan capital on Sunday and said they were awaiting a “peaceful transfer” of the city after promising not to take it by force, but panicked residents raced to the leave, with workers fleeing government offices and helicopters landing at the U.S. Embassy. In a nationwide offensive that has taken just over a week, […]

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Biden Orders 1,000 More U.S. Troops For ‘Orderly’ Afghanistan Departure

President Joe Biden on Saturday authorized an additional 1,000 U.S. troops for deployment to Afghanistan, raising to roughly 5,000 the number of U.S. troops to ensure what Biden called an “orderly and safe drawdown” of American and allied personnel. U.S. troops will also help in the evacuation of Afghans who worked with the military during the nearly two-decade war. The […]

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Heavy Battles Happen Near Mazar-e-Sharif City

Fierce battles were reported between Afghan forces and the Taliban near Mazar-e-Sharif city in northern Balkh province. Balkh governor Farhad Azimi said that the Taliban on Saturday morning launched attacks on the city from various directions, but the security forces “bravely resisted” the group. He said that initially the Taliban made some advances but the security forces repelled their attacks […]

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Four More Provincial Capitals Fall to Taliban in Last 24 Hours

The centers of Logar, Paktika, Kunar and Paktia provinces and 10 districts fell to the Taliban in the last 24 hours, according to sources as the group’s advances continue. Sources said the Taliban has released all prisoners in these provinces while local officials have relocated to the army bases in the four provincial capitals. Reports say that there had been […]

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Ghani Vows to Prevent Further Instability in Afghanistan

President Ashraf Ghani in a pre-recorded message to the nation on Friday said that remobilization of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) is his top priority and that required measures are underway to reach this end, but he vowed to prevent further bloodshed in the country. Ghani thanked the Afghan forces for their bravery in defending the country […]

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Time Is Running Out for Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s leaders face a challenging task: uniting a fractured and crippled country in the midst of a raging pandemic with economic devastation and societal discord fueling conflict and terrorism. The loss of life in Afghanistan is staggering: 6,000 killed since mid-April due to the unrest. While there does not appear to be a coherent strategy for turning the tide, it […]

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Russia’s Complex Afghan Diplomacy Prioritises Its Central Asian Interests

Concerned about the implications of a Taliban victory for regional security, Moscow is searching for a diplomatic solution to Afghanistan’s conflict. As the security situation inside Afghanistan deteriorates by the day, Moscow fears that a Taliban victory could see Afghanistan exporting terrorism, strife, drugs and insecurity to Russia’s historical Central Asian backyard. Moscow’s new strategic worries contrast with its earlier […]

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The Resurgence of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

The TTP has experienced a reversal of fortunes, in part thanks to the changing circumstances within Afghanistan. Since its inception in 2007, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has been the largest and most active armed opposition group in Pakistan. It was formed by several small groups operating in the tribal areas of Pakistan and to a lesser extent in the North-West […]

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UK Foreign Aid Cuts and an Afghan Refugee Crisis

The UK government should maintain aid spending in Afghanistan, especially after the troop withdrawal. The decision by the UK government to cut foreign aid will have devastating consequences, particularly in Afghanistan where the security situation is deteriorating. The cuts signal that the UK government has not learned from history, where a lack of commitment to Afghanistan and its neighbours has […]

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Stratejik hata

Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, Taliban’ın liderini kabul edebileceğini televizyondan duyurdu. Ancak devlet başkanı düzeyinde Taliban’la muhatap olan ülke yok. Eğer Erdoğan görüşürse, bu devlet başkanı düzeyinde ilk görüşme olacak. Böyle bir görüşmenin Türkiye açısından stratejik bir hata olacağı deneyimli diplomatlar ve askerler tarafından dile getiriliyor Türkiye, bir cehenneme dönmüş olan Afganistan’da kalmaya çok istekli. Ankara’nın bu istekliliği, başta ABD tarafından da […]

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