Archive for August, 2021

It might still be possible to save Afghanistan

“A NEGATIVE OUTCOME, a Taliban automatic military takeover, is not a foregone conclusion,” Mark Milley, America’s most senior soldier, intoned last month while reiterating America’s support for the embattled Afghan government. General Milley is right: such a takeover is not quite inevitable, despite the departure of American troops. But it is growing more likely by the day—in large part because […]

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Beschützt Kabul!

Der Westen ist in Afghanistan gescheitert. Ein neuer Militäreinsatz, um die Taliban zu vertreiben, ist unrealistisch. Trotzdem haben die westlichen Truppen noch eine Aufgabe: Sie müssen Friedensverhandlungen erzwingen. Der Westen ist gescheitert, in Afghanistan gescheitert. Das ist die bittere Wahrheit. Und jetzt? Das Scheitern ist seit Langem klar – aber es wird uns jetzt in aller Deutlichkeit vor Augen geführt: […]

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U.S., U.K., and Canada Deploy Troops to Speed Kabul Exit

Western powers appear to be preparing for the fall of Kabul, after the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada all announced fresh troop deployments to help evacuate citizens and other residents of the Afghan capital on Thursday. The United States will send 3,000 troops to secure Kabul’s international airport and mount an evacuation effort for U.S. embassy staff alongside Afghans […]

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Afghanistan-Pakistan Ties and Future Stability in Afghanistan

The situation in Afghanistan—and with it the Afghanistan-Pakistan relationship—is likely to worsen in the short term. The prospect of a prolonged civil war or full Taliban takeover now looms large as hopes of a negotiated settlement recede. Whatever the outcome, the countries’ bilateral relationship will continue to be shaped by tensions that have characterized it for more than a century. […]

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Can the Taliban Be Stopped? Three Scenarios for What’s Next in Afghanistan

No matter where the conflict goes from here, Afghans will bear enormous costs as stability looks to be a distant prospect. The Afghan government has had its most difficult week fighting the Taliban since the insurgency began. As of this writing, 12 provincial capitals have fallen since last Friday, marking the first time the Taliban have controlled a city since […]

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Afghanistan’s Second-Largest City Falls to Taliban, as Insurgents Make Rapid Advance

The Taliban conquered the second and third largest cities in Afghanistan, Kandahar and Herat, on Friday as part of a major offensive on the heels of the U.S. withdrawal. The assault on Kandahar carried symbolic weight because it is the birthplace of the Taliban, from where founder Mullah Omar began conquering Afghanistan in the 1990s. Taliban militants now control over […]

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Exploiting U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan, Islamic State-Taliban Fight To Establish Islamic Caliphate To Intensify

Introduction As the withdrawal of U.S. and coalition troops from Afghanistan is already in its final stages as per the February 29, 2020 agreement[1] between the United States and the Afghan Taliban, signed in the Qatari capital of Doha, the Islamic State (ISIS) has begun to carry out increasingly diverse attacks via its Afghan affiliate, the Islamic State Khurasan Province […]

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India-China disengagement process along LAC carried forward amid New Cold War efforts by Biden-led US

This is Part-1 of a two-part article. This part shows how peace and tranquility at LAC is sought to be restored, in spite of a rare clash at Galwan last year. LAC was a rare border where not a single shot was fired, and none killed, in over four decades despite it being a disputed border. It further shows how […]

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Ending 20 years of occupation war in Afghanistan

Taliban WAS the Government of Afghanistan for 4 Years When USA Invaded & Put in a Drug Lord Regime and For 20 Years the Taliban Continued To Govern Half of Afghanistan Outside the Cities and Coalition Military Bases

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US sending 3,000 troops to Afghanistan as major cities fall to Taliban

The Pentagon announced Thursday that the US is sending 3,000 US soldiers and Marines into Afghanistan with the ostensible mission of securing US diplomatic facilities in Kabul and organizing the evacuation of American civilians. Britain is sending 600 soldiers for the same purpose. The US deployment of one Army and two Marine infantry battalions has been ordered as the lightning […]

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