Archive for August, 2021

Implications of Taliban takeover for the United States

America has reached the peak of its loss of power and authority, a decline that started on Sep. 11, 2001, and that has culminated in the Taliban’s recent takeover of Afghanistan. After this process, it is now a question of how the balance of power in the world will shift The Taliban’s control of Afghanistan and the overthrow of the […]

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Kā pārmaiņas Afganistānā ietekmēs Tadžikistānu un citas Centrālās Āzijas valstis

Praktiski visu 21. gadsimtu ASV un tās sabiedroto militārā klātbūtne Afganistānā nodrošināja Centrālās Āzijas autoritāro, bet reliģiski laicīgo režīmu stabilitāti. Amerikāņu klātbūtne Afganistānā bija liels šķērslis radikālā islāma izplatībai ārpus Afganistānas. Radikālais islāms nevarēja iespiesties citās Centrālās Āzijas valstīs, jo talibi bija nodarbināti ar cīņu pret amerikāņiem un to atbalstītās Kabulas valdības karaspēku. Pirms tam – 20. gadsimta beigās – […]

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Taliban appoint obscure figures in senior intelligence and security positions

A NUMBER OF OBSCURE figures, largely unknown to Western observers, have been appointed to senior security and intelligence positions by the Taliban, just days after their return to power in Afghanistan. Some of the names of senior officials have been made public by news agencies in the Middle East. Others were publicized on Tuesday by Pajhwok Afghan News, an independent […]

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Shia Clerics: Taliban Must Ensure Equal Role for All

The Shia Ulema Council at a press conference on Tuesday urged the Taliban to ensure that they will treat all faiths and ethnicities with equality and justice. They said the next government should ensure the participation of all religions and ethnicities. The clerics called on the Taliban to ensure the safety and security of women and minorities. “The Shia people […]

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Voice of jihad: Taliban spokesman in spotlight after shadowy fight

For years the Taliban’s top spokesman shunned the public eye, even as he amassed hundreds of thousands of followers online where he live-tweeted the insurgency. But days after the Taliban captured Kabul following the collapse of the US-backed government, Zabihullah Mujahid presented himself to the public for the first time in a surprise press conference in the Afghan capital. At […]

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Future course of action with Taliban after assessment by joint teams of India-Russia

A thorough assessment of the situation would be carried out before India and Russia make any move on recognition for the Taliban, which has taken over Afghanistan. Combined teams of the foreign ministries of both countries wold be set up which in turn would conduct a detailed assessment of the situation in Afghanistan. Based on the assessment of the combined […]

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Taliban Rejects Proposal to Extend US Evacuation Process

The Taliban’s spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid at a press conference on Tuesday said they would not agree to an extension of a looming August 31 deadline to evacuate Afghans from Hamid Karzai International Airport, even as the US President Joseph Biden is expected to soon announce his decision on the extension of the US forces’ presence in Kabul. Mujahid called on […]

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CIA Chief Held Meeting with Taliban Leader in Kabul: US Media

The head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) William Burns held a secret meeting with the Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar in Kabul on Monday, according to the Washington Post. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden is expected to decide as soon as Tuesday on whether to extend an Aug. 31 deadline to airlift Americans and their allies to safety. This […]

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Taliban and Al Qaeda: If there’s no war, there won’t be an alliance

The U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan was about counterterrorism. Had it not been for a traumatic terrorist attack in the United States, 20 years of U.S. warfare in Afghanistan never would have occurred. Most Americans would have been oblivious to events there, and U.S. policymakers would have given the country only the minimal attention it had received ever since U.S.-aided […]

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How Afghanistan withdrawal could lead to a harder policy against China

Biden is getting attacked on all sides for putting its ‘credibility’ on the Taiwan issue at risk. Will he cave to it? In an interview on Wednesday, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked President Biden whether the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan called into question the credibility of America’s commitment to its allies and partners, particularly Taiwan. “Look, America cannot be […]

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