Iran says IEA considering holding Loya Jirga

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) is considering convening a grand assembly of elders, known as a Loya Jigra, Iran’s special envoy has said.

“Loya Jirga is a traditional event where elders gather to resolve a crisis that cannot be resolved through ordinary means,” Hasan Kazemi Qumi, Iranian president’s special representative on Afghanistan, told Iran’s semi-official Mehr news agency.

“The Taliban (IEA) are considering it (Loya Jirga) and are talking to other sides for the return of political leaders to Kabul for dialogue,” he said.

“I hope it takes place and helps resolve the crisis in Afghanistan,” Qumi said.

He also expressed hope that Afghanistan will achieve security and economic stability and refugees return home.

The IEA has previously said that the government has no plans to convene a Loya Jirga.

Experts, however, say holding a Loya Jirga is needed to resolve the existing problems in Afghanistan.

“All Afghans want the holding of a real national Loya Jirga. It is the need of the hour. It will represent people’s will and will show unity of Afghans to Afghanistan and the international community,” said Shahzada Massoud, a political expert.