More than 10,000 Afghan refugees return home in past week

The Ministry of Repatriation and Refugees (MoRR) says in the past week, more than 10,000 Afghan migrants returned to the country from neighboring countries.

Abdul Mutalib Haqqani, spokesman for the MoRR, said Thursday that most of the returnees were those who traveled illegally to neighboring countries.

“This ministry has good plans for the returnees who do not have shelter,” said Mutalib.

At the same time, the ministry asked the neighboring countries to treat Afghan immigrants appropriately and according to international laws.

In the past few months, some countries have reportedly treated Afghan immigrants inappropriately and forcibly deported them to Afghanistan.

MoRR meanwhile stated that more than 90,000 people have returned to the country since the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan came to power in August last year.