Afghanistan’s Jamiat-e-Islami Agrees With U.S. State Department Report On Human Rights Abuses By Afghan Taliban, Asks U.S. To Halt Weekly Cash Aid To The Taliban

In an April 23, 2024 Dari-language statement, the Jamiat-e-Islami party of Afghanistan, agreeing with the U.S. State Department report on human rights abuses, condemned the Afghan Taliban rulers for rights violations in Afghanistan. Jamiat-e-Islami is led by Salahuddin Rabbani, the former Afghan foreign minister and son of Burhanuddin Rabbani, who was president of the country from 1992 to 1996.

The Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan also noted that the Taliban’s rise to power was facilitated by the 2020 U.S.-Taliban deal signed in Doha, Qatar. The statement explained: “One of the factors that led to the Taliban’s return to power was the Doha Agreement, which places an important responsibility on the United States and its allies to deal with the unfortunate consequences of the aforementioned agreement.”

“Declaration Of The Jamiat-e-Islami Of Afghanistan In Connection With The Report Of The United States Department Of State On The Violation Of Human Rights In Afghanistan”

The statement reads: “Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan once again strongly condemns the widespread and horrific human rights violations by the Taliban – which are documented in the latest report of the U.S. Department of State on human rights – and considers it a small part of the bitter realities of human rights in Afghanistan under the Taliban rule.

“In a situation becoming gender apartheid… Afghanistan has become a stagnant society in every respect, and its citizens are tragically deprived of all their shari’a and fundamental rights, and their human dignity is being violated day by day. The crimes reflected in the aforementioned report show only a part of the cruelty that is imposed on the people in a permanent way.

“These crimes, in light of common human values, make the need for coordinated domestic and international efforts to protect religious values and human rights more urgent, and require all interested parties to strive and act for a democratic and secure Afghanistan in which the human dignity of its citizens is ensured.

“In this regard, it is very important that the relevant institutions give more coordination and strength to their collective efforts to speed up and strengthen the documentation of crimes and human rights violations in the country so that the people of Afghanistan can get closer to justice and freedom, and finally achieve it.

“In addition, it is necessary to acknowledge that one of the factors that led to the Taliban’s return to power was the Doha Agreement, which places an important responsibility on the United States and its allies to deal with the unfortunate consequences of the aforementioned agreement. The international community, especially the United States, which sends weekly cash aid packages to the financial system under Taliban control, should refrain from [paying] political and financial ransom to this group.

“Based on humanitarian responsibilities, and under the shadow of relevant international laws, in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, the perpetrators of these crimes should be held accountable, and the ugliness of the Taliban should be stopped – for any reason. Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan, as one of the main parties in the political landscape of Afghanistan, is committed to defending the legitimate rights and freedoms of all citizens of the country, and is actively looking for solutions to the current crisis in Afghanistan.

“Tuesday, 4 Saur 1403 – 23 April 2024”

Source: (Afghanistan), April 23, 2024.