La resa dei conti. Investito in sviluppo un 20° di quanto speso per guerreggiare. E solo un decimo di quel 20° è finito in progetti agricoli, per un popolo a cui non restava altro che coltivare oppio. A chi presentare il conto della disfatta? I paesi Nato potrebbero almeno accollarsi, in proporzione al Pil, l’impegno di dare ospitare le migliaia […]
Read more ›Category: South East Asia
A fuga que se adivinha
Apesar de, nos últimos meses, a questão dos refugiados não ter estado em foco nas agendas mediáticas, há migrantes que continuam a arriscar a vida no Mediterrâneo à procura de paz. Com a crise no Afeganistão, o fluxo terá tendência a aumentar. Se, numa primeira fase, Portugal vai receber 50 pessoas que de uma forma ou de outra colaboraram com […]
Read more ›Pääkirjoitus: Ovi hädänalaisille ei ole enää apposen auki EU:ssa
Kreeta KarvalaEuroopassa ei haluta toistaa edellisen pakolaiskriisin virheitä, mutta uusien toimintamallien luominen on jäsenmaiden näkemyserojen vuoksi haastavaa, kirjoittaa Iltalehden Kreeta Karvala. Afganistanissa asuu 38 miljoonaa ihmistä, ja Talibanien valtaan nousun myötä tuhannet ovat jo jättäneet maan. YK:n pakolaisjärjestö UNHCR:n mukaan vuoden alusta puoli miljoonaa afgaania oli jo paennut kodeistaan. Heistä suurin osa on nyt Iranissa ja Pakistanissa. Eri asiantuntija-arvioiden mukaan […]
Read more ›Our Afghanistan SITREP for August 26 – Explosions Outside Kabul Airport
Until August 31, we will attempt to provide our readers with a daily SITREP on Afghanistan, based on information we believe is credible, along with a brief analysis providing some measure of context. Explosions Outside Kabul’s Airport An explosion took place a few minutes ago today, outside Kabul’s airport. Unconfirmed reports speak of three wounded U.S. servicemembers. The Taliban’s spokesperson […]
Read more ›Inside the Hidden War Between the Taliban and ISIS
Two days before he was shot dead by the Taliban, Abu Omar Khorasani, a onetime leader of Islamic State in Afghanistan, sat slumped in a dingy Afghan prison interview room, waiting for his soon-to-be executioners. Mr. Khorasani saw the Taliban’s advance as a harbinger for change. For years both organizations had sworn to rid Afghanistan of nonbelievers. “They will let […]
Read more ›ISIS-K, the group behind the Kabul airport attack, sees both Taliban and the U.S. as enemies
For months, terrorism analysts warned that Islamic State-linked militants in Afghanistan would try to turn the Biden administration’s exit into a bloody spectacle. On Thursday in Kabul, those predictions were realized. ISIS-Khorasan, the Islamic State’s Afghanistan and Pakistan arm, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the suicide bombing attack that killed 13 U.S. service members and dozens of Afghans in […]
Read more ›Russia will not deploy forces in Afghanistan: Putin
President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia would not deploy its armed force to Afghanistan to take part in a conflict and that Moscow had learnt the lessons of the Soviet Union’s decade-long failed intervention there, Reuters reported. Putin was speaking to a congress of the ruling United Russia party, Reuters reported. “It goes without saying that we do […]
Read more ›ISIS attack leaves Biden with four bad options
What now? Two explosions outside Kabul airport killed at least 13 people on Thursday. According to Fox News, at least 10 U.S. service members were also killed. A preliminary but high confidence intelligence assessment has been made that ISIS-Khorasan is responsible. More fatalities are expected.
Read more ›Who Are the Anti-Taliban Resistance Forces and for How Long Can They Last?
After the Taliban swiftly swept away, without much of a resistance, the Afghan Army and government on the heels of the U.S.-led coalition’s withdrawal from the country, chaos has gripped Afghanistan. Panicked Afghan civilians, desperate to leave a country under Taliban rule, have flooded the Kabul airport. Meanwhile, the U.S. and Western countries are airlifting out thousands of Afghans as […]
Read more ›Urban Warfare: What’s Next for the American Military?
The U.S. military has been fighting the Global War on Terror (GWOT) for more than two decades now. This means that for the first time in American history a servicemember can have both enlisted and retired during an active war. Further, at no time in its history has the U.S. sustained urban combat for this length of time. Seemingly, with […]
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