NDS chief tells MPs Chinese spy ring was bust but provides no details

The Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) chief Ahmad Zia Saraj confirmed Tuesday that a Chinese spy ring had been arrested in Kabul.
Briefing the Wolesi Jirga on Tuesday Saraj stated that a group of Chinese nationals was arrested on charges of espionage in Kabul.
Saraj did not provide further details due to what he called “a sensitive issue”.
“Yes a group of Chinese has been arrested but due to it being a sensitive issue I cannot share details,” he told MPs.
The suspects were reportedly arrested on December 10 last year.
Meanwhile, the Hindustan Times reported on Monday that the Afghan government allowed “the 10 Chinese nationals caught on 10 December for operating a terror cell in the capital city of Kabul” to leave the country.
According to the report, the spies were flown out of Afghanistan in a chartered plane arranged by the Chinese government.
The Afghan government has not however commented on this.