Peace process enters new stalemate: Rahmani

Wolesi Jirga Speaker Mir Rahman Rahmani on Wednesday said the peace process had entered a new deadlock, with the Taliban trying to gain more privileges and some circles in the Presidential Palace creating hurdles.
The speaker said the Taliban through shedding the blood of the countrymen wanted to gain leverage in talks while some circles at the Presidential Palace were creating hurdles to the peace process because they did not see peace in their interest.
This comes as the peace talks in Doha are moving at a slow pace since the two teams agreed on Procedural Rules after over two months of deliberation.
Rahmani during Wednesday’s session of the Lower House claimed certain circles in the Presidential Palace were creating hurdles to the peace process because they did not want peace to be established.
He added: “People had been expecting a lot from the peace talks and hoping that within few days of negotiations, ceasefire would be enforced and the conflict would come to an end, but unfortunately the peace process entered a new stalemate and turned out to be a conundrum and the Taliban are also seeking more privileges by shedding the blood of common people.”
Without naming any politician, he asked them to set aside their personal agenda and interest, otherwise he warned that the existing situation would further intensify the conflict. He asked the new US administration to force the Taliban to accept ceasefire and an end to the war.