Articles In Issue 35 Of ISKP Magazine ‘Voice Of Khurasan’ Celebrate The Life Of First Islamic General Who Conquered Jerusalem, Advocate Jihad Against European ‘Way Of Life’ To Establish Islam

Articles in the latest issue of the “Voice of Khurasan,” an English-language monthly magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked to the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), which defines itself as a supporting entity for the Islamic State (ISIS), recall the life of Abu Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarrah, the first military commander under Caliph Umar to conquer Jerusalem, stress the importance of radicalization and martyrdom to achieve victory for Islam, and decry Europe’s sexuality, materialism, and anarchism against which Islam presents, according to the arguments, a moderation in the way of life.[1]

The articles whose excerpts are given below are titled “Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah,” ” On The Path Of Being A Faithful Servant – 3″, and “Wasat Ummah.” The last of the article states: “Ideologically, Islam lies between superprophetic Christianity and super-materialistic Western civilization.” The article also defends the idea of Jihad in the Path of Allah as a way of fighting and eliminating the whole “way of life” of non-Muslim societies.

Issue 35, the magazine’s current issue, is dated Shawwal 1445, in the Hijri calendar, which corresponds with the lunar month ending May 8, 2024. A PDF copy of the jihadi magazine was shared on the Internet.

Following are excerpts from the article titled “Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah”:

“Abu Ubaydah Was Active In The Call To Islam, And The Military And Administrative Fields As Well During The Period In Media; At That Time, The Prophet Appointed Him As The Commander Of The Saraya” Military Patrol

“The commander Sahib Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah was born in Mecca 40 years before the Hijrah [migration to Medina] and belonged to the Al-Harith ibn Firf (Balharith) clan. Thus, in his lineage is Fihr, the tenth grandfather of the Prophet [Muhammad]. The Quraysh valued Abu Ubaydah because he was one of the few people in Mecca who could read and write during the Jahiliyyah [i.e., the pre-Islamic period] era.

“Abu Ubaydah became a Muslim through Abu Bakr in the days when the prophet had begun to call people to Islam and had not yet entered Dar Al-Arqam [the first house of propagation established by Muhammad in third year of declaring his prophethood]. He made great efforts to promulgate Islam and for this reason, he was subjected to heavy pressure and punishment from the Quraysh. When the torture became unbearable, he joined the second Hijrah to Abyssinia in 616 and later returned to Mecca. Abu Ubaydah then made Hijrah to Medina and was one of the few Muslims who made Hijrah to both Abyssinia and Medina.

“The prophet established close ties between him and Sa’d bib Mu’az from the Ansar [the aiders of Medina] in the practice of the Ansar-Muhajir [local aiders-immigrants] brotherhood after the Hijrah. He is one of the ten Sahabah [Companions of Muhammad] who were given the glad tidings of Jannah [Paradise] while he was alive. Abu Ubaydah was an exemplary person who was highly skilled in trade, horseback riding, archery, and swordsmanship.

“Abu Ubaydah was active in the call to Islam, and the military and administrative fields as well during the period in Media. At that time, the prophet appointed him as the commander of the Saraya [military patrol]…”

“The Period Of Islamic Rule In Jerusalem Began In 638 When Umar [Ibn Khattab, The Second Islamic Caliph] Personally Took The Keys Of The City From The Patriarch”

“The First Commander to Conquer Jerusalem

“The period of Islamic rule in Jerusalem began in 638 when Umar [ibn Khattab, the second Islamic caliph] personally took the keys of the city from the Patriarch. The Islamic armies under the command of Abu Ubaydah bin Jarrah, who besieged Jerusalem, did not refuse the request of the people of Jerusalem to surrender the city, and informed the Khalifah [caliph] of the situation. At Abu Ubaydah’s invitation, Umar i came to Jerusalem and took over the city from the Patriarch.

“Once, Umar wanted to see with his own eyes how his appointed governor lived; so, he went to visit him at his house. The Emir-ul-Momineen [Umar ibn Khattab] entered the house and saw only his sword, armor, and a piece of leather. When Umar asked him, ‘Do you have nothing else?’ he replied, ‘This is enough for my needs.’ Umar, his eyes filled with tears, said, ‘O Abu Ubaydah, the world has changed everyone, but it has not changed you.’

“Abu Ubaydah was a Sahib [gentleman] of virtue in every respect. He feared Allah and followed the Sunnah [traditions] of His Messenger [Muhammad]. The fear of Allah was dominant in all his actions. He was extremely modest. When he was governor of Damascus, he used to say: ‘I am from the Quraysh. But there is no one with red or black skin who is superior to me in piety, so that I do not say, ‘I wish I were in this man’s body!’ Abu Ubaydah was extremely generous.

“He used to distribute whatever he had to the needy. Once, Umar a sent him 4,000 dirhams. He told the messenger to be careful what Abu Ubaydah would do with the money. When the messenger delivered the money, Abu Ubaydah distributed it to the needy. Devoted to his duty with all his soul and inflamed with love for the Messenger of Allah, Abu Ubaydah used to look after those under his authority as if they were his own children.

“Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah was one of the ten Sahabah who were given the glad tidings of Jannah when he was alive, and he was given the honorific, ‘the Emir of the Ummah.’ Indeed, he participated in all the battles and his heroism is engraved in memories. He participated in all the ghazawat [i.e., battle] alongside the prophet, and he was honored with the following Hadith [traditions] of the prophet.

“Abu Bakr is in Jannah, Umar is in Jannah, Uthman is in Jannah, Ali is in Jannah, Talha is in Jannah, Zubayr is in Jannah, Abdul-Rahman ibn Awf is in Jannah, Sa’d ibn Abi Waggas is in Jannah, Sa’id ibn Zayd is in Jannah, And Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah is in Jannah’. Abu Ubaydah in al-Jarrah died of the plague in the 18th year of the Hijrah at the age of 58…”

“Our Cause Is The Enlightenment Of The Whole World With Tawheed [Islamic Monotheism]; It Is The Banner Of Islam In The Skies, The Remembrance Of Allah In The Fields”

Another article, titled “On The Path Of Being A Faithful Servant – 3,” is third part of a series in which a jihadi fighter describes his own life’s journey, or radicalization. The first part of the series identified him as Osama ibn Al-Khatem but did not give further details. Some discussions in the first part of his story indicated that he could be British, as there was a reference to debates on British television. The second part of the series, which appeared in Issue 34 of the Voice of Khurasan, did not contain anything specific about him.

In the third part of the autobiographical series, appearing in the Issue 35, he discusses how in early days of radicalization, very ordinary questions by “so-called Muslims.” He recalls: “Back then, questions were always asked in fights with so-called Muslims. Nothing has changed now. Why are there stars? What are their names? Why is the Quran not in Turkish? Why don’t we know everything?”

And then attempts to answer: “Today, even automobiles, a man-made object, are made up of 30,000 parts and we don’t know the names and functions of any of them except for certain pieces. These details are known to the people who made that car. Just for a photograph of the sky, years of work and millions of dollars are spent. It takes months to discuss whether a planet millions of light years away exists or not. But we humble humans are questioning the greatness of Allah. We think we can master everything with our limited memory and simple brain.”

Osama ibn Al-Khatem, which appears to be an adopted name, teaches about martyrdom and how to enter paradise, stating: “The only way to reach the beautiful Paradise of our Lord is through our property and our lives, which are the fuel of this vehicle. Paradise and eternal happiness are not so easy to obtain. We cannot aspire to Allah’s paradise without making any sacrifice in this world where not even a human being can give a free vehicle.”

The jihadi fighter advocates against innovations and deviations from the ISKP’s view of Islam, stating: “First, they corrupt the society and then they condemn the normal ones. Indeed, innovations and deviations started even when the Prophet was alive. When Umar was martyred, sects were formed; and when Uthman was martyred, these sects came to light. Until then, Islam was strong. Afterwards, the few who remained in the truth had to hide. They started to preach in secret. These are Ahl Al-Sunnah wal Jamaah [the group of Muslims who follow the traditions of Muhammad]. This is our aqeeda [creed] and our manhaj [methodology], to follow the path of righteous people on the right path, doing what the Prophet and his Companions did and leaving what they did not do.”

Following are some more excerpts from his article:

“Today, let no one be deceived by the fact that we are few and our voices are low. The truth that we are afraid to speak in the darkness will one day rise in the light. Even the deaf sultan, who is incapable of hearing whispers, will hear this cause and all heresies will be leveled to the ground. And those who will do this are the beautiful servants of the Most Merciful who hold fast to the rope of Allah and are not divided.

“They are the mujahideen who have taken Tawheed [Islamic monotheism] as their guide and are not afraid to draw their swords. Take a good look today at the mujahideen in this crowd who are frowning and waiting patiently. The loyalty of these brave men is undoubtedly to win the pleasure of their Lord. It is not a small and temporary cause like the cause of a false flag, nor a piece of land, nor an attractive worldly life.

“Our cause is the enlightenment of the whole world with Tawheed. It is the banner of Islam in the skies, the remembrance of Allah in the fields, the longing for the prophet in the hearts, and the fear of Allah in the souls. Listen well, O reader! When the head loses its mind, they say ‘Mad’. When you leave the world, they say ‘dead’. When the world leaves you, they call you ‘Veli'[2]…”

“Although Monogamy Was Recognized In Roman Society, Even Written Into The Justinian Code, Ancient Roman Law Also Forbade Keeping A Wife And Concubine Together. But The Result Was That Prostitution Became Rampant. As A Result, Despite Legal Monogamy, Polygamy Persisted”

One of the articles is titled “Wasat Ummah,” a reference to the moderation shown by the just Islamic nation. The article criticizes what it perceives as a sexualized, hedonistic, materialistic, and corrupting culture in Europe that spread to the rest of the world through colonialism. It argues that by commparison the Islamic ummah follows a moderate path. “Ideologically, Islam lies between superprophetic Christianity and super-materialistic Western civilization,” it says.

The article begins by stating: “Europe’s experience with sexuality is strange. Greek civilization has a history of unrestricted sexuality. The practice of sexuality in society can be seen in the free sex of the Greek gods. It was the custom of the deva king Zeus to associate with one goddess after another – water goddesses – human beings. There was even a hint of homosexuality in Greek society from the obsession with the handsome boy Ganymede.” It further says: “Although monogamy was recognized in Roman society, even written into the Justinian Code, ancient Roman law also forbade keeping a wife and concubine together. But the result was that prostitution became rampant. As a result, despite legal monogamy, polygamy persisted.”

Then the article says that Jews were different, stating: “Jews, on the other hand, followed a regulated sex life. Adultery-homosexuality was a capital offense. Polygamy was legal in Jewish society. In the case of multiple wives, the rules of wealth distribution are in the old Bible.” It adds: “When Europe entered the Middle Ages. Manmade Polyanian Christianity somewhat curbed the Roman promiscuity. Early Christians did not object to multiple marriages because Christ himself was a ‘Judean.’ But under the influence of Roman society, Christianity prescribed monogamy.”

The article discusses what it calls man’s stumbling “into the unholy world because of Adam’s original sin” but also rejects different forms of asceticism and spiritual salvation practiced in Europe and elsewhere. Under “Greco-Roman materialism-consumerism,” it says, “Humanist religion, materialist philosophy, capitalist economy, consumerist lifestyle, secular society-state came together to form a new civilization – Western civilization.” During the era of European colonialism in different parts of the world, it says, “This civilization was imposed on the natives unwillingly through power, education and laws. The ‘civilized natives of this civilization’ are in power in every country today.” The article’s proposition is that this European civilization has affected Muslims worldwide, removing them away from true Islam.

“We, who claim to be Muslims, are also the children of this civilization, which is against the principles, philosophy, goals, and results of Islam in every line, word by word. Every call of this ‘civilization’ is a melody of blasphemy, its religion is a blasphemy, its philosophy is a blasphemy, its economy is a blasphemy, its way of life is a blasphemy, its socio-political thought is a blasphemy. Every call of this is a call to deny Allah almighty, every statement is a statement to deny the Messenger of Allah [Muhammad],” it says.

It observes: “Ideologically, Islam lies between superprophetic Christianity and super-materialistic Western civilization. Allah Himself addressed Muslims as a ‘moderate’ Ummah. Spirituality in Islam does not abandon the worldly desires but brings spirituality into them. ‘Allah wants to make it easy for you’ – (Al-Quran).” The article then goes on to cite Islamic injunctions, which it says lead to moderation: Allah says do not destroy yourself with your own hands; do not postpone congregational prayers; do not forget to fast, or to break the fast; intercourse with wives is allowed on the night of fasting.

It argues against innovation in Islam, which could remove Muslims from this moderation, saying: “All innovation is misguidance, all misguidance is in hell.” Among such guidance, according to the article, are included prayers in congregation, charity such as feeding the poor, and jihad.

“The Prophet of Islam declared: For every prophet there is a type of disobedience. And the disobedience of my Ummah is jihad in the way of Allah. The purpose of jihad is to conquer new lands and establish the system of life given by Allah so that justice is established in the law, economy, society, culture, customs of that region, people live happily in this world and know the path of happiness in the Hereafter.” This conception of jihad is against the entire ways of life of non-Muslim societies.

[1] (U.S.), May 7, 2024. The original English of the articles included in this dispatch has been lightly edited for clarity and standardization.

[2] This unclear reference may be to Haji Bektash Veli who died in 1270 and his followers, who referred to him as Veli (“saint”), continued to spread throughout Anatolia and into the Balkans.