Archive for June 9th, 2024

Russia rebuilding ties with the Taliban

A Taliban government delegation is taking part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, after a proposal by Russian ministries to remove the Islamic movement from the list of banned terrorist organizations. When a delegation of Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government first visited the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2022, it was the topic of much talk — not just in […]

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Chinese Plans For Moscow Region Threaten To Spark Protests Near Kremlin – Analysis

Russia’s economic problems and Moscow’s growing need for money and more industrial production to support its war effort in Ukraine are forcing the Kremlin to take a step that it has long avoided. The Kremlin has agreed to allow China to develop mines and processing facilities not in some distant part of the Russian Federation but in Moscow oblast, the […]

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China’s Rising Military Power: Advances In Air Force And Navy – OpEd

China’s military modernization efforts have transformed its Air Force and Navy into formidable forces, showcasing the country’s commitment to enhancing its defense capabilities and playing a more assertive role in regional security. Recent advancements in these areas have not only bolstered China’s ability to protect its sovereignty but also contributed to regional stability and security in the Indo-Pacific region. In […]

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