Archive for June 6th, 2024

Anti-Israel Protests In Pakistani Cities – The Hamas Leaders’ Engagements In Pakistan

On June 2, 2024, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan (JI), the largest religious organization in South Asia, organized a “Gaza Million March,” which was one of the largest anti-Israel rallies in Pakistan. The stated goal of the march was to support “the resistance movement Hamas” and “the inhabitants of Palestine” and to condemn the Israeli bombing on Rafah.[1] The rally was part of […]

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What happened to “Modi-wave?”

Notwithstanding the hype raised about the so-called “Modi-wave,” Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has failed to win the needed number of seats to form the government on its own strength. At the same time, in all probability, if this party’s campaign didn’t rest primarily on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “image,” BJP may not have won even 240 seats. This certainly suggests […]

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The nightmare for Indian Muslims is over

The most important outcome of the results of the recent parliamentary elections in India is that the nightmare for Indian Muslims is over. Muslims in India are about 200 million i.e. about 15% of India’s total population of about 1400 million ( of which about 80% are Hindus ). Even before the right wing Hindu party, the BJP, came to […]

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